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the next few days were hell. chuuya refused to talk to you, and not even just ignoring you. you have to work under him every day and he refused to even be in the same room as you.

you would text him - he would read it and ignore it. it was damn near impossible to even say a simple hello to him in the mornings.

the only way you could physically catch him and try and communicate with him was on the elevator, to which he would somehow manage to squeeze out and walk away. but not today, today is different.

you walked up to the elevator, knowing chuuya would be on it since he usually takes it up to his office for a few hours before you show up, considering you don't wake up until nine anyways.

the doors opened and just as predicted, chuuya was on it. his hands were in his pockets as the blood drained from his face as if he had seen a ghost, and to him he practically had. you got on, standing just right so that he wouldn't be able to leave. after all, there was still about twenty floors before reaching his office.

"so, do you want to explain why you're ignoring me?" you managed to spit out as the doors closed, readjusting your position to be directly beside him - rather than infront of him.

"i'm not ignoring you. we just haven't happened to cross paths."

you scoffed. "bullshit. i've tried to converse with you a million times since last friday. it's thursday today. i work under you, and yet i haven't seen you all week. you're a fucking liar."

he stayed silent.

"chuuya, you know damn well that i know how to break this elevator, and if it takes you all fucking day to even reply to me, than so be it. i have all day to spare anyways."

during your teen years, you and chuuya learned how to break the elevators in the building. just for fun, plus it was the only quiet place in the entire building so it made for a good adventure. 

"you're so.. fucking stupid, [f/n]." he managed to laugh even throughout getting reprimanded like a little child. "i'm ignoring you because i'm trying to help you get rid of any feelings you have towards me." he shrugged. "perhaps if you can see what an asshole i am, maybe you'll finally notice that there's someone better for you. i don't deserve you."

the elevator dinged.

"this is my stop, and according to the boss man, it's yours as well." you had long since spaced out, trying to decipher what his words meant even though it was clear. what snapped you out of your space our was when his office door shut.

your head slowly turned towards the door as your brows narrowed. fuck this and fuck him. you stormed over, opening the door to see him leaned over top of his desk looking down at something. he didn't dare look back, after all, he did know it was you.

"chuuya -- i swear to fucking god if you don't stop walking away mid-fucking-conversation, i will strangle you myself."

he turned around, still leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. he looked rather amused at your anger which was even more frustrating.

"i'm so sick of you! i'm literally so close to just leaving again, cause me more trouble than it's worth just being here."

those were the words that made his face drop. just the mention of you leaving his life just after he started to care again was even more pain added onto what was already there.

he walked towards you, backing you up against the door as the amused look turned to sadness, his face turning red with every aching moment.

"please, don't leave me again." is all he could manage to slip out before resting his head on your shoulder. you could feel how heavy he was breathing as you stood there in shock. you had only ever seen chuuya this weak once in your life.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now