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you felt the warmth of chuuyas body fade away, the dip in the bed becoming significantly lighter as you could hear him walk away, starting up the shower in the process. you figured he was getting ready for work. you didn't care enough to get up and go, so you let yourself fall back to sleep, the noises slowly drowning out as your body became more and more exhausted.

within the next few hours, you stayed asleep. that is -- until you heard someone inside the building shout at the top of their lungs. it took you a short amount of time to register that it was chuuyas voice.

this was your chance to wake up, you didn't bother showering, figured you could've done it later, but you did put on your suit that was left from the previous night.

after which, you scurried outside of chuuyas room and follows the constant sound of arguing. it happened to be in the boss' office, funnily enough.

"are you fucking dense?! he'd kill her!"

the voices were muffled, but that's what you could make out. you decided on knocking before entering, the three men all turned their heads and watched you walk in.

akutugawa was on one side of the room, mori was at his desk and chuuya was standing in front of him.

"shouldn't she get her own say?" mori chimed in, smiling in a frightening way. "my dear [f/n]. i've decided that the best option here, is to remove you from under chuuya." he opened his mouth to speak, before you cut him off. "the best option? option for what?"

"you don't think colleagues should be getting intimate together, do you?"

your body stiffened. "so.. you want to put me under akutugawa?" chuuya scoffed at even just the mention of his name. he's seen how akutugawa treated kyouka.

"to put it simply, yes." he sighed. "or, you could work with hirotsu."

you grinned. "or i could leave. that's always an option."

both mori and chuuya tensed up. 

"let's not get in over our heads here." mori chuckled awkwardly. "you can go with gin and tachihara for a little while. if all goes well, you can be with chuuya again."

"given that the two of you can sort out your relationship and put it behind you. yeah?"

the both of you nodded before walking over to the door.

"you're dismissed. [f/n], stay behind. i need to talk to you."

chuuya gave you a concerning look, you just shrugged it off. you hadn't the slightest clue what he was going to say to you after all. you turned around and headed over to his desk. "what?"

"you can't leave. that's the truth, you'll always come back." he smiled grimly, "you don't have anyone else. you were trained as a machine, you can't feel these human emotions." he narrowed his eyes, tensing his jaw. "you can run and hide, but you'll never be gone forever."

you reached behind your back, pulling your gun from its holster and aiming it at the man in front of you. "i survived for over fifteen hundred days by myself. i would gladly do it again if it means you leave me the fuck alone." you ran your finger over the trigger. he didn't flinch or anything, after all -- he was a mafia boss. this has happened before. "do you remember a few months back? a few hundred of your men were killed suddenly? that was me. i killed all of them just for the hell of it." you tensed up, your brows furrowed and your eyes narrowed just as his did in the mere minutes that had passed. "and don't get cocky. i came back for chuuya, i didn't come for you. you may have raised me, but chuuya was there for me. you never were."

he smiled. "you pull that trigger and you'll be dead in seconds. do you dare put chuuya through that pain again?"

his words sunk deeper into your skin. did you really dare put chuuya through that? again? he had just regained all of his memories from over the years. if you died now, he would spiral to a point that would be too far to come back from.

"you're lucky." you let go of the gun, putting back in its holster. "and for the record," you scoffed, "i am capable of feeling human emotions. you may have taken almost every other right that i deserve away, but you didn't take that."

you turned around, walking to the doors and opening them. "and don't you fucking dare ruin elise like you ruined me." you walked out, slamming the door behind you.

you were furious. he never had the right to talk to you that way, you were on the verge of going fucking berserk. you ran into higuchi and gin on your way down to chuuyas office.

"hey [f/n]! how are you?" higuchi managed to spit out, not noticing the fact that you were irritated as is. you ignored her and kept walking, not wanting to flip your lid and take your anger out on her.


"not now!" you continued walking, trying to atleast calm yourself down somewhat. the two girls gave eachother confused glance before shrugging it off and continuing walking as well.

you did make it to chuuyas room in one piece, he was inside on his bed waiting for you, sitting on his phone. only did he look over when he seen the door open, it slammed shut before you walked over to his wine cabinet.

"what happened?" he stood up and walked beside you, you were already in the process of pouring the wine you tried the other day, the stuff that burned your throat. "i don't want to talk about it." you picked up the glass and drank it in one go, pouring more.

"what did he say to get you this riled up?" you drank another glass, feeling the effects of it already. your throat was on fire as well. "chuuya, i just said - i don't want to talk about it." your hand tensed up on the glass, squeezing it so tightly that you were almost certain it was going to shatter if you kept it up.


you snapped. that was it, there was nothing stopping you at this point. you held the cup as tight as possible, gripping harder and harder before it shatter in your hand, the glass getting stuck in your hand, drawing blood immediately. both you and chuuya looked down at your now bloody hand, he sighed.

"okay. have if your way. let's get that glass out of your hand."

you nodded before heading to the bathroom with him following close behind you. he turned on the sink, letting you try and wash any of the blood away. you hissed at the cold feeling in the multiple cuts, washing away any proof that blood was ever there.

you sat up on the counter with your hand on your lap as chuuya figured out how many pieces were stuck in your flesh exactly. afterwards he started picking at it with tweezers, getting out as many as possible.

"it hurts." you winced every time he touched one of the pieces. "perhaps you shouldn't have shattered the cup." he stayed focus, ignoring you every time you inhaled through your teeth.

they would've healed just fine, but chuuya decided the best option would be to stitch them up. 

you watched how the needle weaved in between your skin, sewing up the deep cuts. "where did you learn how to stitch?" you threw your head back, trying to rid yourself of any of the pain in your hand. "taught myself." he mumbled.

he finished up the stitches rather quickly, afterwards he wrapped your entire hand in bandages to keep the stitches from getting infected.

"sorry." he looked up at you with a confusing look. "i broke your glass and you had to give me stitches." you sighed. he shrugged. "i've done worse when i'm mad."

you couldn't help but admire his ocean blue eyes. they were mesmerizing and you couldn't help but get lost in them. you didn't notice chuuya leaning in until his mouth was already on yours, his hands around your waist as he snuck his way in between your legs. you leaned into his touch, being wary about your hand touching him since it still hurt, although that didn't stop you from putting them on his neck.

both of your chests were already heaving from lack of oxygen, but you didn't pull away until he did, his hands felt like they were burning your skin on your waists, slowly moving down to your thighs.

you sighed before admitting, "i pulled a gun on mori."

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now