𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂 ; 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚

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chuuya sat against the wall, you against his chest; fast asleep. his hat was on the floor beside him, his hair messy, skin pale. the sunlight seeping in through the curtains, showing off his hazy face. although, he couldn't focus on the sun or anything around him. his focus was on you. he watched the way your chest went up and down, the way your eyes kept fluttering, the way the sun kept complimenting your skin.

he didn't want to move. he didn't want you to wake up and regret anything you'd done. because why would you? he didn't. too bad he couldn't just pause the clock, stay here forever.

but, life was life. the clock never stops ticking, after all. you would wake up sooner or later. but he might as well make the most of if.

he leaned his head back against the wall, sighing in relief as the pain in his upper spine subsided. he was slouching quite a bit recently. his lips were peeling from biting at them often. what had been happening to him? causing him to go partially crazy?


you were the reason. you were the reason that he was going partially insane, the reason he couldn't focus on his work. you were the cause behind everything. he couldn't focus when his you were the only thing on his mind, after all. even when you'd stayed over at atlas', he'd gone mad. everyone in the port mafia saw him go absolutely feral. they saw how he went back to himself after he showed up with you that day.

even that day, those few weeks ago that you returned to your home, he went back to himself when he was a teenager, the chuuya that most of these people knew. not the chuuya he was now.

in his eyes, you were home. he found comfort in you. just as you did him.

he hadn't even noticed himself dozing off until he was already asleep.

"mori, where's the key to chuuyas office? his door is locked and i'm slightly worried he may have relapsed." kouyou always had those mothering instincts towards chuuya, especially around when he was eighteen. she was always worrying about him.

mori handed her the key, immediately going back to his phone call.

she took the key with ease, heading back down to the floor with chuuyas office on it, her heels clinking against the floor with every step she took.

once she reached it, she knocked to see if there was an answer beforehand. there wasn't, so she put the key into the lock, twisting it until it clicked.

the sight inside was a sight for sore eyes. something that she had been betting on for years, and perhaps she had just won.

there you both were, asleep on the floor in chuuyas office. you were curled up on his chest, he was leaning against the wall, hand resting on your head. both of you had messy hair, chuuya looked pale and exhausted. no wonder he fell asleep.

she couldn't help but take a picture. you both looked adorable. she also couldn't help but send it to the entirety of the port mafia group chat. seems she just won two hundred bucks.

but it was also time to wake both of you up. she hadn't seen either of you eat anything.

"chuuya, [f/n], it's lunch time." which woke chuuya up, he was always a light sleeper. you, not so much. he had to lightly shake you to try and awake you.

kouyou left when she was satisfied that you were both awake. she told you to be down in the kitchen soon though.

you pulled yourself off of chuuyas lap, leaning against the wall beside him, your head resting on his shoulder.

"how do you feel?"

your entire body hurt, but otherwise that whole experience felt like a dream. "sore."

chuuya checked his phone for the time, noticing about a hundred notifications from his co-workers.

"son of a bitch." you turned your head towards him in confusion, which he then showed you the photo.

"aw. we look cute." you chuckled and chuuya huffed. "you don't understand." he zoomed in on your neck, where there was a prominent bruise visible.

"oh." you awkwardly smiled. "do you think.. they'll notice?"

"they already did." he groaned.

"whatever, the longer we stay up here the more we embarrass ourselves. let's just go." you sighed.


"sup' gin." you awkwardly smiled as both you and chuuya walked in together. gin was the one closest to the door. her eyes immediately shot down to your neck to see if it was just the lighting or if it was the real deal.

it was.

she silently grinned, going back to her phone and excitedly typing away on her phone. you already didn't want to be here.

after finding something to eat, tachihara walked in. here comes trouble.

"so, did you guys fuck?"

there's the issue with tachihara. he's way too confident and he never understands what isn't his business.

chuuya looked rather appalled at his question. you couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "we didn't. she just fell asleep after getting drunk."

he was good on his head, he was a quick thinker.

"mm. so, that hickey come from someone else then?"

this was your cue to walk out. as well as chuuyas. you didn't bother answering his question, just headed down to chuuyas room. you were still tired and now you were annoyed with the people here.


i really feel like this chapter was ass bc it was rushed, i didn't know what to do with it since it was still early in the day in the storyline, n stuff yk?

so like have this and it'll be better next chapter i swear

merry christmas y'all

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now