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the night sky was visible from your bed, seeping through the curtains. not like you could've slept if you wanted to anyways..

the room you hadn't touched in five years hadn't changed one bit, still the same bed, in the same spot. you weren't sure if it had even been slept in since you left.

but, here you were, sprawled out with the blankets covering you and staring at the ceiling.

you were exhausted, both physically and mentally. before coming in here, chuuya tried to give you another tour, telling you that the place had changed, despite being told it hadn't by a friend. he hadn't aloud anyone to see you, otherwise they wouldn't have fucked off with the questions, which you agreed with.

but, then again, you wanted to see some people. just a few of them.

you were debating on texting dazai to see if he was awake, which he probably was, or texting chuuya.

in the end, you settled on dazai.

you didn't really.. talk about a lot. although, he was the only one who knew you were in yokohama right now, let alone at the port mafia building, and dazai being dazai, he tried to manipulate you into joining the armed detective agency, or join him in suicide. you declined both offers.

you bad your phone placed on the pillow beside you, but you were facing the opposite direction, hoping that you could fall asleep.

and eventually, you did.





"wake the fuck up!"

jesus christ, is it impossible to get some sleep around here?

"i'm coming, i'm coming, relax." you ran your fingers through your hair, making it look semi decent before opening the door.

"what do you want, chuuya?" you shot him a glare, seeing how he was already up and moving, as well as dressed for the day. "it's like.. eight in the morning."

"while you were alone, you may have slept all day, but you're back with the port mafia now, we all get up earlier then this." he scoffed. "regardless of your shit sleep schedule, mori has a task for you. well, us."


"alright, alright. let me get showered and i'll come find you in about half an hour." you tried to shut the door, but he put his hand on the door to stop you. "half an hour?" you furrowed your brows before cocking your head to the side. "yes, half an hour. do you need me or not?" he rolled his eyes and walked away. "you know where to find me."


while you were showering, some old memories surfaced.

during your time in the port mafia, you were notorious for always wearing suits. there could still be a few in your closet that fit you, regardless if they were from when you eighteen. right?

absolutely correct.

it was a bit tight on your chest, but otherwise fit correctly. the port mafia was never one for a dress code anyways.

to be honest--you had missed wearing some form of suit. you hadn't worn one in years and it brought comfort back to you, knowing that mori had never gotten rid of any of your items. sick bastard knew you were coming back.

before leaving and heading directly to chuuyas office, you took one glance in the mirror, your eyes met with the ones in the mirror. the suit you were wearing was black, the tie was white and so was the shirt underneath that was slightly visible. the hat you wore twenty-four-seven, fit perfectly with the suit. someone would've guessed that it was a set, as for your mask, (which still had blood on it) it was just a plain black cloth mask. it did the job.


you look great.

everything in the port mafia ends up bruised and bloody, so there wasn't even a point in making yourself look nice, other then self-confidence.

"chuuya." you knocked, before opening the door and walking in. you were far too impatient to wait for his answer.

and there he was, drinking from a bottle of blood red liquid. wine. he had the bottle in his left hand, while his phone was occupying his other hand. you also hadn't expected him to be the type of guy to put their feet up on a desk, yet, here you were.

"finally. christ." he gave you a look over. "was the suit really a necessity?" he pulled his feet off the desk and placed his phone facedown, leaning forward in the process.

"yes, chuuya. it was a necessity."

he scoffed.

"so, what exactly are we doing today?" he looked at you with a confused expression. "mori.. didn't tell you?" you raised a brow at his question. "mori didn't tell me what?"

"torture. that's what we're doing." he gave you a half assed smile before taking one more swig from his bottle of wine, putting the cap back on after he was done.

"easy enough."

"fucking christ. this isn't easy enough."

you glanced over at chuuya who wasn't helping you, whatsoever. this was your mission. torture. you had to get answers out of some random guy, and you couldn't use your ability on him. that part didn't matter, your ability was mostly useless in this part.

oh, and chuuya couldn't help you. like- physically, could not help you.

"what usually happened when you were alone and needed information?"

"i usually just shifted into their bosses face, once i could figure out what they looked like, that is. but i never needed information, really. people usually gave it to me and i'd kill them." you shrugged.

"so, you were technically an assassin?" yes, you were technically an assassin, although you never considered yourself to be one.

"if an assassin killed people for money, then yes. i suppose." 

this small conversation gave you a minute to catch your breath, after doing everything possible to get something, anything, out of this guy. the air in this.. basement thing, was pretty thick and hard to breath in. and it reeked of blood down here. gross.

"if you can't breath, take off your mask." he must've noticed you breathing extremely hard. "i'm alright. i don't like taking my mask off." you looked over at him and gave him a smile, as if he could see it through the mask. "you're going to pass out from lack of oxygen if you don't. i'm not carrying you to the infirmary if you do." he rolls his eyes.

"i'll be fine, but thank you."


this is how i personally see [f/n]

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this is how i personally see [f/n]. i don't see her as myself, i see [f/n] as characters ive created in my mind that share the same name as i do.

she kinda looks like dtk though

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