𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙍 ; 𝙩𝙚𝙣

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the next morning came quicker than anticipated, after all the alcohol that was inhaled last night, everything was a blur. part of you is glad that your memory is blurred together.

you didn't wake up in your own bed, but that is one thing you remembered, albeit. you slept in atlas' bed last night, he offered to drive you home once he sobered up, but you refused to tell him that you lived in the port mafia building. you always could've given him dazai's home address, but you highly doubted he was at home. probably was fucking some poor slut at the bar. and chuuya.. chuuya was probably doing the same. i mean, he had all the reasons to. no point in waiting for you since you were being a bitch to him.

atlas was outside the bedroom, he slept on the couch. figured he'd be respectful enough, as well- he gave you some of his exes clothes. but, regardless, you could hear shuffling outside the door. probably trying to fix his hangover.

you reached for your phone on the nightstand, seeing a bunch of messages for people you didn't care for. you were looking for one person in particular, that person being chuuya.

he had sent you some messages, at some point around four in the morning he stopped. must've figured you were either ignoring him or just figured you were safe with atlas.


where are you? i'm going to pick you up.

please, i'm sorry. i'll tell you everything

are you okay?

please tell me you're okay.

i'm sorry.


fuck, he must've been worried. you should've messaged him before you managed to fall asleep, anything to tell him that you were okay.


im fine, sorry. fell asleep. can you come pick me up whenever you wake up?


you figured that could be a good hour before he'd wake up. you put your head back down on the pillow, missing the feeling of warmth enveloping you. not long after, a ding entered your ears.


where are you? i'll come get you right now.

did you sleep at all? are you okay?

i've been awake since yesterday morning. no, i didn't sleep.

where are you?


you gave him atlas' address. but was he that worried about you? i mean, this is giving off the same vibes as when you were younger. he deeply cared for you quite a bit.

there was a knock on the door, atlas peaked in afterwards. obviously wanting to know if you're awake.

"oh. you're awake. do you want some coffee or water or anything?" his voice was kept barely above a whisper, obviously having a killer headache himself.

"no, thank you. chuuya is gonna come pick me up in about fifteen minutes, by the way."

his face lit up with glee. obviously he was one for the drama. "oh.." he smiled. "angry sex?" it took you a minute to comprehend what he said before your eyes widened and mouth gaped with shock. "no! i'm not gonna fuck him, calm your dick." he chuckled as you got out of his bed, searching for your clothes. "i washed your clothes." he reached somewhere on his side of the door, handing you your clothes that smelt rather familiar.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘾𝘼𝙏 𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙏, 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢. 𝘯Where stories live. Discover now