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Isabella P.O.V

My doorbell kept on ringing. I laid still on the couch hoping for the one who is on other side of the door will go away. But the ringing didn't stop. Groaning I dragged my feet to the door and opened it.

"What took you so long, Bella? I was about to leave" Nico barged into my house.

A bit early Bella! And what the hell is he doing here?

"How did you get my address?" I asked as he was making himself comfortable on my couch.

"James can come handy sometimes" he said placing a plastic bag on the coffee table which is infront of the couch.

I told James the other day where I live as he wanted to come over sometime.

"That idiot" I mumbled.

"Come on let's have dinner" he said unpacking the plastic bag.

"Why are you here?" I asked ignoring his statement.

"Ruby said you were sick, also you left without having dinner. So, I brought you some. Now come here" he said and dragged me on to the couch beside him holding my wrist. He then opened two bowls which had some chicken curry and rice in each of them. He placed a spoon in both of them and handed me one.

"Don't worry i asked them for a less spicy one" he said and opened two beer cans. He still remembers that I can't eat spicy foods.

That's impressive..


"But, aren't you supposed to have dinner with them?" I said referring to Ruby, Ethan, Mr.Anderson and that girl named Emma. There was a dinner planned after the concert, then what is here doing here?

"No, I wanted to eat with you" he said while munching his food.

"But, won't your so-called friend Emma feel sad?" I said mixing the rice with curry.

"Oh...Jealous, are we?" Nico spoke smirking.

"Jealous? Stop imagining things" I said scoffing.

I am bit jealous though, why won't i? She seemed pretty than me. Also she know him for five years, whereas I only knew him for three years. At this point, I wanted to believe the amount of time spent together doesn't matter in a relationship but it does! 

The time went by and we finished our dinner talking this and that, nothing serious and important.

"Thanks for the food. Next time I will buy you a meal" I thanked him.

"And when is that?" he asked grinning and I rolled my eyes.

"Get home safely" I said and closed the door.

A smile formed on my lips.

Next day Morning

Isabella P.O.V

I was sitting infront of Mr.Phillip. Beside me there was Ruby and Ethan. He was congratulating us on the success of yesterday's concert.

"You never let me down Isabella" He complimented me.

"Thankyou Mr.Philip" I replied with a warm smile.

"You both also did a good job" he said addressing Ruby and Ethan. They both replied with a 'thankyou'.

"Do you have a busy schedule today?" he asked me.

" the concert was over, I should just do a final check on other planning schedules" I explained.

"If that is all can do me a favor?" he asked.

"Wha—" I got cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Mr.Philip spoke. I turned to the door to see who it is . There came Nico and James followed him soon. I smiled at James, as he did the same.

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