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Isabella P.O.V

"Nico....Nico.....had an a-accident"

Nico had what?

"What the hell are you talking James?" I exclaimed.

"What do you mean by 'Nico had an accident'?" I yelled out which caught Ashton's attention.

"Ten minutes ago, I got a call from the hospital. So, I rushed over. When I reached, they said he was being treated in ICU. My dad was not in the city. I don't know what to do now" at this point he was sniffing.

James has always been emotional and sensitive.

"James, calm down. I am heading over there right now" I said and cut the call.

"What happened, Bella?" Ashton asked.

"James said that Nico had an accident. He is probably crying right now" I said placing my hands on my eyes to stop the tears.

"Bella, calm down. Let's head to the hospital first and find out what actually happened" Ashton reassured.

"What about her then?" I asked pointing to Olivia.

"You take a taxi and head to the hospital. I'll come after dropping her home" he said.

I nodded taking my bag and exited the restaurant to grab a taxi.

"James!!" I called out when I saw him in the hospital hallway.

He snapped towards me and I ran to him.

"Bella!!" he said as I hugged him.

He was trembling in my hands as I was trembling in his. We released the hug and I saw Ruby behind him.

"Ruby" I ran over to her.

I think they came here directly from their date.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked turning to James.

"They didn't come out yet" he replied.

His eyes were shot red.

We sat in the chairs infront of the ICU waiting for the doctors to come out.

We lost track of time until I heard someone calling me.

"Bella" I looked up to see Ashton.

"Ash" I stood up with James and Ruby following me.

"Ash" James called out too.

"Did you guys see the news?" he asked panting.

"News?" I asked.

"Here" he handed me his phone with some article.

'Man of every girl dreams is lying on the hospital bed now' is the caption of the article.

"Maybe somebody from the hospital revealed it" James doubted.

"Shit! We need to stop this" I said.

"Ash, can you stop the hospital from disclosing further information about Nico?" I asked.

"This hospital belongs to my relatives. I can make it happen" he said nodding.

"Okay. Be on it" I said and he walked away.

"James, stay here for the doctors to come out. I will go with Ruby and will try to delete the articles" James nodded and I walked away with Ruby.

I pulled out my phone and called a number.


"Ethan, where are you?" I asked when he answered the call.

After half-an-hour of pulling all my connections I tried my best in deleting all the existing articles and stopped media from publishing new ones. Now, I was striding back to ICU to get some news about Nico.

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