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Author P.O.V
"Father!" Nicolas called out when he saw Henry walking out of the interrogation room.

"Let's talk in our cabin" Him and Nicolas walked to his cabin.

"She started speaking?" Nicolas asked.

Henry shook his head in denial.

"She is unwilling to share anything she know" Henry sighed.

"What! Why? Do something father! Make her speak.'ll have some ways, right?" Nicolas suggested.

"Don't forget that she is a women Nico" Henry spoke in disbelief.

"Damnit! But she is our only hope" Nicolas hissed in anger.

"Everybody has a weakness. We just need to find out what it is for her" Henry frowned.

Next day Morning

"Any progress?" Henry asked striding into the police station.

"No sir" Richard replied.

"What about the calls in her phone?" Henry asked.

"Person on the other side used a burner phone, so we can't track it" Richard explained.

"I need every single piece of information about Emma on my table. Now!" Henry commanded.

Soon Richard entered Henry's cabin with a file.

After reading her profile for 30 minutes Henry walked into interrogation room. Emma sat there with an arrogant expression. He sat on the chair infront of her facing each other.

"So, Emma Thompson. Do you have anything to confess?" Henry asked.

"I think I have said it enough times for you to get it, Mr.Reed. I have nothing to do with Isabella's kidnapping" she rolled her eyes.

"But I think otherwise, Ms.Thompson" Henry glared.

"Prove it then!" she smirked.

Evidence! The lack of evidence is the only reason that Emma is sitting in the interrogation room and not in the prison and she knows it. Henry gritted his teeth.

"Okay, let's have it your way. You love Nico, don't you?" Henry asked out of blue.

"So?" Emma raised her brows.

"Want to get back with him?" Henry offered.

Nicolas! Henry found Emma's weakness. Earlier, from the 30 minutes of him reading Emma's profile he found it. All through her profile one thing is crystal clear "She is very fond of Nicolas".

By now Emma should be pissed of everyone offering her to get back with Nicolas but guess what she is not. Even after seeing how Nicolas gave her away to police to find out about Isabella, Emma still sees a chance to get back with him.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Come on, you know what I mean" Henry grinned.

"I can help you with that but only at the cost of getting my Bella back" Henry proposed.

"How can I believe you?" she knitted her brows.

Now that she lost a chance of getting back with Nicolas by giving away Isabella, she wanted to gain back that chance by getting Isabella back but she needs assurance that she can trust Henry.

"If you don't know, Nico calls me dad and he is true to it as his parents passed away. So, he WILL do as I say" Henry sneered.

"But why? Your daughter loves him too with him loving her back. So, why give away him to me?" as I said she needs assurance.

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