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Isabella P.O.V

"Emma?" I called out stunned.

"Yes, sweetheart. It's Emma!" she started walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Me? I heard that you are awake so, I just dropped by to say hi" she replied.

"Are you the one who kidnapped me?" my eyes widened at the thought.

"You think so highly of me" she laughed it off.

"I am not the one who kidnapped you I was just helping the person who kidnapped you" she ended.

"What do you mean?".

"Simple sweetheart. On one fine day I got this weird message from a unknown number saying 'Want a chance to get back with your Nico? If yes meet me at xxx'. First, I thought it was some type of joke but then it hit me how can this person joke with a relationship that only I and Nico know about?" she started speaking while making herself comfortable in the chair infront of me.

"I quickly ran to the place he mentioned. Then I met this person who made a deal with me that he'll help me to get back with Nico but on one condition.....He wanted you in exchange" her lips formed into a sneer.

"Honestly, I was a bit agitated about the deal, like I don't know who is he and how he got the information about me and Nico but at the same time he agreed to give me what I longed for. He has my weakness. So...." she trailed off.

"So?" I spat out in anger.

"So, I accepted the deal and very soon i got a call saying that he needed help in kidnapping you. So i rushed to the mall and helped him in bringing you all the way here" she finally ended.

" could you do that?" it's like my tongue got tied. How can a person possibly help someone in kidnapping only to get something they desired for?

"I can do many more things in order to get back with, Nico" she said with a proud smile dancing on her face.

"I should say that you did quite a lot to get back with Nico but you abandoned the fact that you can never have Nico's heart nor his love. He loved, loves and will love only one person and that Only ISABELLA REED!" I spat out.

I saw how my words cut through her and it did satisfy me to a great extent.

"You bitch, I was being nice to you but I guess you don't deserve it" she grabbed my hair harshly.

"Wait and see how I will make Nico mine" with that she stomped out of the room shutting the door hard.

Author P.O.V

Dark circles started forming under his eyes due to the amount of sleep he lost from the past days. All the type of bad thoughts that could probably happen to Isabella kept him up all the night.

After waking up from his not so long nap, Nicolas walked to his bathroom to take a shower.

Dressing up he sat in the living room waiting for James. Soon, James entered with breakfast as always.

"Here!" he handed the plastic bag which contained salad in it.

"Forget it. Is there any information about Bella?" Nicolas asked yanking away the food bag.

"I am going to tell you, only if you eat" James held out again.

"James, stop playing. Tell me!" Nicolas snapped.

"Do I look like I am playing right now?" James snapped back.

"Go take a good look of your face in the mirror. You don't look better than a ghost. You look washed-out, Nico" James scolded.

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