Chapter-30 (Part-2)

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"Pleaselet me in, Bella" he pleaded looking straight into my eyes.

His words assured me to the extent that I had a sudden urge to open up about everything.

And i did.


3 years ago

Isabella P.O.V

"Isabella, Mr.White wants you in his cabin" my co-worker conveyed.

"Got it" I quickly marched towards Mr.White's cabin.

I knocked on his door and a soon a 'come in' was heard.

"Mr.White, what can I do for you?" I asked politely after entering his cabin.

I didn't receive any reply so I lifted my head and as expected he is checking me out. It felt utterly disgusting and uncomfortable. I took deep breaths calming myself.

"Mr.White?" I called again and now he seemed to come into his senses.

"Yes, Isabella?".

"I heard that you are looking for me?" I asked.

"Ah..yes. Tonight, you will be accompanying me for the meeting with 'INK Entertainment'" he said.

"But Mr.White I am not the one who is in charge of it. It's Ms.Rebeeca who should be accompanying you" I reasoned.

"Yes, but it seems that she can't make it as she was occupied with some other work. So, I want you to fill in for her" he explained.

What? Ms.Rebeeca skipped her work? This has to be a joke. Ms.Rebeeca was famous for her professionalism. There is no way she left her work unfinished. Undoubtedly, this sly fox is upto something.

"But—" I started but he cut me off.

"I hope you won't be late. You can leave now" he wrapped up.

I really hate doing this but after all he is my boss. I can't deny his orders. I sighed and walked out of his cabin.

Straight after my graduation I started working here. It's been a total of six months of me working for 'We Entertainment' which is owned by Mr.White.

Over the past six months Mr.White's behaviour has been same. I didn't take a serious notice of this cause I thought he would change but he never did. Sometimes I want to quit working here but then I would be unemployed which leads me to rely on my parents and I hate it!

So, I have been enduring this all long. Today, he wants me to attend a meeting with him which is none of my business. I have a gut feeling that I shouldn't attend the meeting with him but I don't have a say in this.

I started working pushing all those thoughts back of my head. Soon it's time for the meeting. I looked up to see Mr.White all-ready to leave so, I quickly closed my computer and followed him.

'INK Entertainment' representatives already arrived when we reached the restaurant. It was a room which enables to talk private business matters. I sat beside Mr.White as I am with him.

They started talking about the project and I just stared into blank space cause I don't know any inch of info about this project. Out of nowhere I felt a hand on my thigh. I flinched and looked to my side, it was Mr.White.

What the hell is this bastard doing? I tried pushing his hand away only to make his grip tight. It's starting to hurt. Tears started filling in my eyes.

"Excuse me, I need to use ladies room" I said and walked out of there.

After a few minutes of washing my face thoroughly my senses seemed to calm down. I don't want to go into that room again but I left my purse there.

I gathered courage convincing myself that he can't do anything as there are other company representatives too. So, I planned to leave after grabbing my stuff giving an excuse to Mr.White.

I entered the room and there is no sight of anyone. Had they already left? Thankgo--.

Just then I heard the door shut from behind me. I turned around to find Mr.White smirking. This is not good.

"Mr.White, what are you doing?" I asked terrified.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" he started walking towards me.

"Don't come near me" I said walking backwards.

"Stop playing hard to get. We can finish this the easy way or the hard way. Choice is yours" he smirked making me scared.

I tried making a run for the door but he caught me before that and pushed me to the floor, hovering over me.

"Leave me, you bastard. Someone help me!" I shouted.

"Nobody is going to come for your rescue" he said leaning forward.

Having no other option, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned in pain grabbing my shoulders tightly. Taking the chance, I pushed him and he fell back but in the process my shirt tore as he was grabbing my shoulders tightly. Nevertheless, I opened the door and ran out of the restaurant.

*Flashback End*

I didn't realise I was crying, dampening his shirt in the process while clutching on to his shirt tightly. Nico didn't release his hug but tightened it.

"After hiring taxi, I came home crying and shaking. I don't know how the night went by. The next day morning the only thought I had was to run into your arms. I wanted your comfort so badly. So, I booked the very next flight to Switzerland" I continued.

"But then I came to know that were in Australia and was holding a concert there so I changed my destination. With the help of Olivia, I managed to get concert tickets last minute. I felt relieved after seeing you singing happily on the stage but then your ending statements stabbed my wounded heart" (Remember the concert scene from Chapter-10).

"That's when I decided to never depend on anyone. I resigned my job and started searching for a new one. In no time I came across a job in EOE" I concluded.

"That day at the concert I didn't mean anyone of it, Bella" his voice cracked.

"I know Nico, it's just that I was not able to understand it given my situation" I assured him.

"I am sorry, Bella for being such a terrible boyfriend" he spoke tears running down his cheeks.

"I did not share this with you to make you feel guilty, Nico. I just wanted to lift off the weight I was carrying all these years. It's already in the past and I want to keep this over us" I smiled wiping his tears.

He sobbed into the crook of my neck.

"I am sorry and I love you" he confessed.

"I love you too". 

"Can we sleep? I am tired" I pouted.

He nodded chuckling through his tears.


Hello my lovely bunnies🐇

I hope all the info from the chapter didn't confuse you.

Feel free to ask it away in the comments if it did!

Hope you enjoyed reading it!

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See you on Saturday!

Love you all❤️❤️- A\N

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