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Author P.O.V

Daniel was looking through some files when his phone range.

It's Christopher's manager.

"Yes?" Daniel answered.

"S-sir, I received information that a police raid will be held at Christopher's dorm!" the other side spoke nervously.

"What? Where is Christopher now?" Daniel asked hurriedly.

"He doesn't have anything scheduled now, so he has to be in his dorm" the manager replied.

"Alert him about the situation and ask him to leave that place" Daniel ordered.

"Sir, actually I am trying to get in contact with him from the past ten minutes but he won't pick up his phone" manager explained.

"Then why are you chit-chatting with me? Hurry up to his dorm!!" Daniel shouted and cut the call.

He grabbed his keys and rushed to his car. The car ride to Christopher's dorm will atleast take 30 minutes by then the police might make it there. So, Daniel can only pray that Christopher threw out all his drugs as advised by him but the chances for that to happen are awfully low.

By the time Daniel reached the destination, police sirens were already blowing. He walked towards Christopher's dorm. Outside he saw Christopher's manager with his head hung low. With all the bad thoughts he ran inside but as soon as he entered in, he staggered at the sight infront of him.

Christopher leaned onto one of the police officer, half-conscious. He kept mumbling something and from the looks of it with remains of white powder lying under his nose, it doesn't take a genius to tell that he is high on drugs.

Daniel kept staring at the scene while the police dragged Christopher out of the room.

Coming back to his senses Daniel hurried to police station.

"Can I talk to the officer in charge of this case?" he seeked for permission which didn't take too long to grant.

"Please, take a seat" the officer welcomed Daniel.

"Sir, I want to talk to you about Christopher's case" Daniel doesn't have time to beat around the bush.

"Go on!" the officer spoke.

Daniel explained about how badly Christopher was affected by the rumours which resulted him to get addicted to drugs.

"But Mr.Martin, using drugs is a punishable crime, no matter under what conditions they are used!" the officer stated.

"Sir, try to understand me-" The officer cut him off.

"Mr.Martin if you are here to cover up for him, I advise you to leave" the officer spoke sternly.

"Sir, this can damage his career" Daniel pleaded.

"Mr.Martin if it is found that you are associated with him in this case, think about the career of your agency, think about the careers of the idols whom you are responsible to take care of" officer spoke.

That's when Daniel realised what he is doing. He couldn't care less if it's his career which he is putting at stake, but then he bidding the careers of the idols who are under his wing. He can't demolish their careers when he is sorely responsible to build it.

With the quick reality check he walked out of the police station. Although there is nothing that Daniel could do to bring Christopher out of the prison, he atleast wanted this matter to settle down without much media exposure.

So, Daniel tried everything in his reach and finally he succeeded to close down the case silently. Not many from the outside world know about it. The entertainment industry assumed that Christopher retired because of the rumours.

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