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Isabella P.O.V

After a 30-minute ride which felt like forever I arrived at the cemetery. Once I was inside, I searched around and there he was....on his knees in-front of the graves...looking like a....

Total wreck.

I can't believe Nico made it this far because after the funeral he looked like a total different person. He's not lively and cheering like he used to be. James and Ashton tried every possible way to make him normal but it all went in vain. For a week he didn't attend the school.

Being a single parent with already two children to take care of, Nico's uncle is unsure if he can give Nico the love he was expecting but he did try his best to make Nico feel less lonely.

Nico was all quiet and used to zone out which scared me the most. I told my parents about him and they understood he needed the parental love which he lost.

My parents started spending time with him giving him the love he is thriving for. We can't take out all the pain he was experiencing but can atleast try to lessen it. We can't help him forget his loss but can help him realize he's not completely alone.

He slowly started accepting the love he is receiving. We all started going out to family dinners, vacations and trips. Nico started coming to his before self again. He overcame everything strongly which I am still grateful for.

A small sob escaped from my mouth reminiscing all those memories which made his head to snap back at me.

"Bella" he whispered.

His eyes were red and swollen. He seemed like he was crying the whole time. I walked to him and placed the flowers I brought on the graves which are carved with the names
'DANIEL MARTIN', 'CLARA MARTIN' then I knelt beside him infront of the graves. He kept following my actions all this time.

"You came?" he asked. I give him a nod with a small smile.

He hugged me and soon silent sobs escaped his mouth. I patted his back in a calming way. After a while he released the hug. We sat there looking at the graves, until I decided to break the ice.

"You know your parents never left you, there are always with you sending blessings from above" I said caressing his hand.


"Certainly, how did you think you became such a successful idol?"

"Because of my handsome face?" he fooled around.

"I doubt it" I said knitting my brows

A small chuckle escaped from his mouth and I felt at ease. For the next hour Nico kept on talking about his parents and I listened to him.

"Oh my god!" he shouted out of blue.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We have filming schedule today" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I took care of it" I said with a smile.

"As it is already lunch time shall we go?" I asked.


"To my home"

"Your home?" he asked.

"Not mine, but my parents" I corrected when he still looked confused.

"This day every year my mom prepares a feast in remembrance of you parents" I explained.

We got in his car and drove to my parent's house.

After parking the car we rang the doorbell and my dad opened the door.

"You are late Bella" he spoke and turned his head to see Nico.

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