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Nicolas P.O.V

I was driving on the Bike I borrowed from James. I was driving at high speed so that people who are passing by won't recognize me.

The cold breeze was hitting my mask covered face harshly due to the speed. I rode and rode but I was not able clear things off my mind. Starting from the day when I told Bella the truth behind our breakup, she started avoiding me. I can't even imagine the thought of her not talking to me ever again.

The more I think about it the more it makes me anxious. I increased the speed to the highest, being irritated.

I saw a black car heading in my direction so, I tried to apply the brakes but nothing is working. Instantly I slowed down the speed and honked letting the person in the car know that my brakes were failed. But he didn't seem to get it. Slowly, the distance between me and the car got reduced.

Having no other option, I tried turning my bike around which resulted the Bike to skid. The bike fell on my right leg restricting me to get up.

I lied there seeing the car racing towards me. I tried getting my leg out with the help of my hand, but the moment I stirred my right hand, a groaned escaped my mouth. I looked at my hand and realised that it was bleeding.

I cursed and looked up to see the car inches away from me and then..........


"Stop!!" I shouted.

"Nico?" I heard a familiar voice.

I slowly opened my eyes but everything my vision was blurry. I blinked a couple of times and reopened again. That's when I saw her.

"Bella" it came out like a whisper.

The moment she heard me she ran out of my sight.

After a couple of minutes, she again appeared with a doctor and a nurse.

"Mr.Martin, how are you feeling?" Doctor asked as the nurse started to check some monitors attached to me.

"Better" I replied.

After a good five minutes the doctor left with the nurse following him. I looked over to Bella who was wiping her cheeks. She looked pale with puffy eyes and a red nose. It seemed like she cried for days.

"Nico!!!!" I heard a loud shout and the door opened with a thud.

It was James. He walked into the room shutting the door. He looked restless with black heads under his eyes. For how long was I lying on this bed?

"You almost busted my ears" I complained as he walked towards me.

"Stop joking around" his voice was hoarse.

Was he crying all long?

I chuckled and tried to get up. But I felt a sharp pain on my right side making me groan in pain.

"What happened?" James and Bella ran towards me.

"I just want to sit up" I said.

"No, doctor said you should lie down" Bella opposed.

"It's okay" I tried getting up and they help me to sit up.

"Oh my god, look at your faces. You both look like a total mess" I teased.

"It is because of you. Do you know, how many times Bella cried for you to wake up?" James said.

"You are the one who cried more than me. I saw you crying this morning too" Bella shot back.

"Aren't you the one who gave up on food and sleep and stayed sorely by his side?" James stated.

"Says the one who refused to go home from the past few days" Bella rolled her eyes.

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