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Next day Morning

Nicolas P.O.V

Waking up to her lying in my arms has become my daily routine now. Those angelic features of her drive me crazy every single time. Her morning face glowing brightly in the dim lights.

Her confession last night suddenly flashed in my mind. Remorse filled my body. I regretted leaving her five years ago. Only if I haven't made such a craven decision back then.

I remember her coming to me crying when she was bullied in school. She always seeks comfort when she is at her worst and that explains why she ran to Australia when that horrible incident happened three years ago.

Bella is not weak she is just kind and couldn't bring herself to fight someone. She always gives a second chance to everyone hoping they would change.

The thought of her enduring this all alone wrecked me from inside.

"I promise to protect you with my life" I whispered placing a kiss on her forehead to which she stirred.

"Good morning" She spoke blinking those beautiful doe eyes.

"Good morning" I greeted back.

She snuggled into my chest going back to sleep.

"You will be late if you won't get up now" I warned.

"What's the time?" she mumbled.


"Oh shit!" she shouted getting out of the bed with me following her.

"I have only half-an-hour to get ready" she spoke walking to the shoe-stand fetching her shoes.

"See you at the office" she pecked my lips in a hurry and was about to walk out but I grabbed her arm.

"I'll give you a ride".

"Nah. I'll grab a taxi. Bye!" she walked off rejecting my offer.

I smiled looking at her disappearing figure.

After taking a shower and dressing myself up, I sat in my living room waiting for James and soon the doorbell rang.

"Let's have breakfast" he said sitting beside me.

"What's my schedule today?" I asked unwrapping my subway burger.

"Only a photoshoot for the promotions of your movie and you are done for the day" he said munching on his food.

"Then I need you to do something" I said.

"Go on".

"Get me all the info you can about Mr.White of 'We Entertainment'" I said.

"Mr.White? Of We Entertainment? Why" he asked confused.

"I'll tell you everything later" I said and he nodded understanding.

After finishing our breakfast, we headed to the agency.

I entered Bella's cabin and saw her working on the computer. I knocked on the door as an  attempt to grab her attention.

"You are here!" she smiled.

"Breakfast?" I asked walking to her.

"I had. What about you?" she asked.

"I had too".

Just then James entered with Ruby.

"Oh, love birds" Ruby teased.

"We have a surprise for you both" I proposed.

"Surprise?" Ruby and Bella asked in unison.

"Yes. A very special surprise" James joined in.

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