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Isabella P.O.V

"Isabella, do you have a moment?" Aiden held my hand.

"Let—" I got cut off.

"What do you think you are doing?" Nico grabbed my hand from Aiden.

"Only a moment" Aiden said ignoring Nico.

"Let's go!" Nico started dragging me out of there.

"Isabella please" Aiden urged blocking our way.

"Out of our way!" Nico roared.

"Stop it guys. You are drawing attention" I whisper-yelled.

Both of them stood there glaring at each other. I sighed.

"Nico you go first. I'll be there in a minute" I proposed but he didn't even move an inch.

Stubborn ass!

"Nico..." I pleaded.

He huffed and walked away with James then I turned around facing Aiden.

"Isabella---" he started but I cut him off.

"I only agreed because you are making a scene not because you urged" I spat out.

"I am sorry from the bottom of my heart, Isabella. I regret everything I did to you" he spoke with his head hung low.

I just stood there with no emotion.

"What I did to you that day is unforgivable but you can't blame me Isabella cause that's how the industry around me works. You remember the day you asked me for my autograph? Everyday five to six girls approach me with the same reason and it is not because they idolise me. My autograph was just as an excuse for them to.....sleep with me".

"I thought of you as one of those girls and put you in the same bag as them but then you didn't make any move after that day so I assumed you were being shy. That's when I thought to take action by arranging that fake after-party" I was fuming with anger and just wanted to slap him hard but I controlled myself taking a note of my surroundings.

"I had this small doubt whether you were really one of those girls or not but everything was clarified once I saw you walking into the room at the after-party. I was convinced that your reason was also the same. Cause no person is that naïve to attend such a dubious event but only did I understood that my judgment was wrong when I saw you crying that day" he ended finally.

"Is being naïve an offense?" my voice cracked with anger.

"You forced me only because you misunderstood about my character? That's such a pathetic excuse, Aiden" I yelled a bit.

"And i am not dumb to stay in the same room as you even when i felt something off. That's because, I respected you and trusted you".

"Don't you dare show me your face again" I spat out and walked away.

My eyes filled with moisture for idolising over him for years. None of this would have happened if I haven't attended that after-party, if I haven't been so naïve. I blinked my eyes multiple times making my tears go away. If Nico sees me in this state, it will end very badly for Aiden.

"Let's go" I said in a cheerful voice buckling my seat belt.

James started the car. I glanced at Nico and his face was all sulky.

"What shall we eat for lunch?" I asked holding his hand.

He kept looking out of the window avoiding me.

"What happened?" i asked but no reply.

"Are you mad at me?".

"James drive straight to home. I want to rest" he said still avoiding me.

"Talk to me" I whined shaking his hand.

"Go and talk with that f*cker!" he yelled making me flinch.

James too was startled by his sudden outrage.

"I am sorry but he is making a scene back there and I couldn't help but accept" I reasoned.

He wanted to say something but just huffed in anger. The rest of the ride was silent. James left after dropping us at Nico's apartment.

"Nico, I am sorry" I apologised as he plopped on his sofa.

He sighed closing his eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me" i pouted.

"For god sake, do you know how badly you were shivering when you saw him?" he asked purely annoyed.

"You were having a f*cking panick attack, Bella" he shouted.

"I get it that you want to solve everything on your own. I get it that you want to be independent but...but there are things where you have to lean on others---on me for help". his worried voice echoed in the room.

"I just don't want to create a scene there, so..." I mumbled.

"There is no need for that. There is no need for you to protect someone's reputation, Bella. The world out there is not worth it" he spoke.

"I hate it when you become all mad at me" i mumbled again.

"Don't you dare change the topic" he glared.

"Okay, I get it. I promise, this will not happen again" i spoke lowering my head.

"I can't hear you!" he said.

"I promise this will not happen again" i repeated looking him in the eye and raising my voice a bit.

He sighed in defeat and said "You better keep your word".

"I will" I crashed him with a hug.

The day went by a blink. We did nothing but to binge watch movies. Unknowingly it was dinner time. After having our dinner, we crashed onto the bed. I was lying in his arms ready to get some beauty sleep. He caressed my hair which felt soothing and relaxing.

"About Aiden, were you Jealous or angry?" I asked out of blue.

"Of course, Angry. Why would I be jealous of that bastard?" he cursed.

I chuckled.

"What did he say, anyway?" Nico asked.

"He apologised about what he did at that day" I just kept it short not going into the detail.

It's not like I want to keep this from him but the atmosphere is so good and I don't want to spoil it.

"Bella!" Nico called out looking at me.


"That day when I brought you home after fighting with Aiden, you mentioned about 'it is not your first time that happened to you'. What did you mean by that?" he asked furrowing his brows.

"Ah...that..." I gulped.

He kept staring at me expecting an answer.

"That....I...that..." words got stuck in my mouth.

"Can we not talk about it?" i asked.

"Do you feel uncomfortable talking about it or Do you feel uncomfortable talking about it with me?" he asked with a glint of upset.

"I...No. You misunderstood it, Nico. It's just I couldn't find courage to bring it up again after so many years".

"I know it is difficult for you to stir up that bitter past but don't you think it's time to vent it out" his eyes manifesting pure concern.

"Please let me in, Bella".


Will Isabella let him in?

Keep reading to find out!

Leave all your suggestions and thoughts in the comments, i would love to read them!

Also don't forget to vote!

See you on Saturday!

Love you all❤️❤️- A\N

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