chapter 1: the wish

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Lillys POV

The sun shone through my servants quaters as it rose indicating it was probably time to start my daily routine.
I first grabbed my clothes and put them on my now made bed I then went to my water bowl and grabbed the sponge and began bathing. My boss Nancy says you must always be presentable incase royalty comes along which s uprising isn't very often but if you don't clean up and then come along you get whipped and trust me been there done that have the scars to prove it. Wont chance that again ever. I carried on with my morning routine washing, dressing, combing my hair and finally breakfast.

We don't get much breakfast but I suppose it's only left overs from banquets I hope there's another banquet soon cause we seem to be running out of food. Looking down at my plate I only had half a handful of food and this food had to last me all day oh dear.

I took one of the brooms from the shelf and a wash cloth and some polish for my normal day duties and then walked out of the servants wing and into the royal palace.

"Lilly LILLY!!!" yelled my boss Nancy great what does she want I thought to myself I turned around and stood waiting for Nancy to walk to me. "Lilly sorry to keep you love but you are actually doing different duties today and for the rest of your servant career... prince loki himself has requested you to be his royal personal servant you will ... come with me and we'll dicuss your scedual for tomorrow when you start forget about your duties for today.

Nancy lead me to her office it was rather large and quite posh since she was the head of all the servants in the palace "sit down please" Nancy said to me I sat oposite her and she pulled out a piece of paper from her drawers the paper was my schedule:

5:30 prepare and bring prince his clothes
6:00 prepare and bring prince his breakfast
7:00 make his bed
7:15 tidy room
8:00 bring princes books from library
9:00 polish princes boots
10:00 prepare princes outdoor clothes
11:00 bring prince his lunch
12:00 polish princes bedroom floor
1:00 fetch new books for the prince
2:00 prepare his riding horse
3:00 polish his weaponry
4:00 bring prince his tea
5:00 run princes bath
6:00 prepare princes night clothes
7:00 take back the books to the library
8:00 make sure proceedings are ready for the morning
9:00 check in one more time them bed no supper.

I looked at all of the details it's much more that what I normally do "when do I get tea" I asked "Oh well you don't you only have breakfast you won't have enough time for tea or lunch sweetheart" Nancy said grinning slightly like I was supposed to be proud of how busy I was. Great now I'll lose more weight and my clothes already hang off of me a little "well that is all for today you may go polish the ballroom floor for next week's ball" Nancy waved me off and began writting a letter to whom I do not know.

I picked up my broom and cloth and the polish and began making my way to the grand ballroom oh how I would dream of going to a proper ball with proper people and beautiful clothes and oh that will never happen.

I got down on my knees and dipped my cloth in the polish and began polishing the floor.

Six and a half hours later

I've just finished the floor. Phew it's bigger than it seems especially for one person to do all by themselves it was now half past eight at night and I had missed my last tea. I carried my stuff back and slumped on my bed resting my blistering feet and hands. I used my magic to dress myself in my night gown you see I am a sorcerer just like prince loki except my abilities came naturally to me I didn't have to learn how to use them like prince loki did I was born with them magic is like second nature to me .... I don't know who my family were I was just dumped here at the age of five and left to a life a slavery I wish just for once everything would go my way.

I sat at my open window and saw the evening star. I remembered a film I had seen produced by the midguardians it was called pinocchio and the man wished upon that star and his dream of being a father came true. Maybe if I say his very words my wish will come true.

Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
I whish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish I make tonight

"Oh evening star above if anything I wish for love. I wish for my soul to be one with someone else even if I am a poor servant girl do I at least not diserve a chance at love........ I promise it you angel of light grant me this wish I shall be the happiest person alive I shall love him and be faithful to him I shall never ask for anything else as long as he loves me and I love him........ I hope you take my wish into consideration it's all I have"
I left my window open just like the film and slowly began drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

Little did I know that my only wish was about to be granted the very next morning.

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