chapter 10: happily in love

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Lokis POV
"Shh you'll wake them up Jane... aww don't they look like a good pair" I think it was Thor I opened one eye and was shocked to find mother, Odin, Thor and Jane smiling down at us "what the hell do you lot want" I said snuggling back under the covers and tucking Lilly back in "for you two to get married duh" said Odin "I want more grandchildren too" said mother I nearly fell out of bed "MOM DONT GO SAYING THIS LIKE THAT" I shot up forgetting I didn't have a shirt on opps. Mothers eyes widened. Shit. "Oh my god Loki your not supposed to mate until you're married" she said "MOM we didn't I have boxers on" she made an O face and her cheeks went bright red they all slowly walked out "ugh" I sighed and snuggled back into Lilly she turned around and looked up at me "you were awake the whole time weren't you" I said she smiled innocently and screamed as I began tickling her.

Lillys POV
If I'm honest I wasn't feeling great I feel so weak and tired but I'm trying to put on a brave face for loki, I don't want him to be worried. "So are you excited for your first royal ball as my date" loki asked I smiled "yes I can't wait but I don't have anything to wear to it I only have the one good gown and it's hardly made for facing in" I said looking up at him "don't you worry love I'll sort something out for you I'm sure I can you just rest and ill be back later tonight" Loki said getting out of my hospital bed and began to get dressed.

Soon I was all alone again with just my thoughts for company. The healer came in and checked my vitals were alright "How are you feeling princess? " she asked and place and hand on my shoulder "I'm not feeling to good I feel weaker with each breath I take" I said the healer took a look at my monitor and her eyes went wide "Oh my dear Odin you shouldn't be awake yet your body is still repairing itself I'm sorry princess but I'm going to have to put you into and Odin Sleep" that's the last thing I heard before my eyes drifted shit and my breathing slowed I was in an Odin sleep again.

Lokis POV
I had just finished off at the Taylors getting Lillys dress made for the ball next week I couldn't wait for the ball. I had asked Thor for advice on how to ask her, and he gave some advice and also told me how her proposed to Jane I couldn't wait oh Lilly what have you done to my ice cold heart.
I walked back into the healers room and then back into Lillys room. I was shocked to find her in an Odin sleep. I was devistated I just got her back and we were so happy and now this.... why does everything keep happening to stop me proposing to her.
"Oh loki darlin it's alright... The healers said that she would be up in less than two days" I lifted my head in relief knowing that my Lilly would be safe after all "that's good" I said to mother she smiled and hugged me tightly "so when do you plan on proposing" she asked me I smiled and took out the black velvet box and showed my mom the beautiful green ring with a emerald on it "I plan on proposing at the ball next week I'm hoping that she'll like it" "Oh Loki what a beautiful ring she's going to be so happy I know it oh I can't wait till you have children" "mom I groaned" she smiled and laughed "but seriously do you want children Loki" mother asked I smiled an said "to be honest at first I didn't really want children but now that I'm with Lilly I feel children would be a must well have seven or eight at the least and ten or twelve at the most" I said looking at mother she had such a happy smile on her face.

Three weeks later
Things were going great. Lilly had cried when I proposed and shouted yes it was such a beautiful moment that I will share forever. Our wedding in tomorrow then we are going on a honeymoon to earth. Lilly couldn't wait for our honeymoon she love earth the last time we visited even though it was very brief she found earth to be a relaxing place. I've bought us our own honeymoon island on earth I've had a beautiful house built on it with 7 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a library, a master suite, a swimming pool and finally a cinema room. Lilly has made a speedy recovery and is expected to be completely better for our wedding and wedding night if you get what I mean.... what I am a man and I do get urges just like anybody else God or not.

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