chapter 9: great news

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Lokis POV
Things for the past few days have been going great me and Lilly are so happy more happy than I thought we would be if I'm honest I thought it would take a long time for us to be like this but no. We are acting like we've been together for years. However there is something that is worrying both me and Lilly and Thor. Jane hasn't been feeling very well for the last week or so she's been throwing up randomly so Thor is going to take Jane back to Asguard for a day to find out what is wrong with her.
"I hope Jane is alright I'm quite worried" Lilly said and laid her head on my chest it was currently late a night and we both shared the same bed. I put my arm around Lilly and cuddled her closer knowing it would make her feel a little better "I'm sure she will... They should be back soon I'm positive" I said and sure enough a bright light appeared outside our bedroom window "Oh there here" Lilly jumps up in excitement and runs out the room I walk out and find Jane and Lilly screaming and jumping in the air. I walked over to Thor "so the news was good I take it" I said Thor turned to me and his grin was so wide I thought his face my break "very good news brother Lady Jane and I are having our first child" "Oh Thor I'm so happy for you and Lady Jane I only wish one day I could share this feeling" I said and Thor smiled and patted my back " I hope you do have children of your own someday.... right Jane we need to go to bed it's late" said Thor holding Jane softly around her waist and heading upstairs to their bedroom "Oh I'm so happy loki for them I know how much Jane wanted to be a mother" Lilly said hugging me I chuckled and we headed off to bed.

During the night still Lokis POV

I was in and out of dream land unable to sleep properly tossing and turning when I was properly awoken by small whimpering from Lilly "Lilly... Lilly what's wrong" I asked her and felt her head she was burning up "shit Lilly you're burning up.... can you tell me where the pain is Lilly" I asked her as I cradled her in my arms "my stomach and my chest Loki it burns" she whimpered and curled up into a ball in my arms "THOR" I yelled Thor came running in half dressed he turned the lights on and it was only then that I saw the full extent of her illness. Lilly wa a pale shade of icy blue her lips were white and her hair was turning white. Her beautiful emerald green eyes had gone a dull grey colour "Oh my Goodness whys Lilly like that" Thor exclaimed "I don't know I just heard her whimpering during the night and this happened... Thor we must return to Asguard they are the only ones who can help us" Thor glanced at Jane and they both nodded "we shall return with you" they said and I picked Lilly up in my arms she started to scream and cry I felt so guilty even though I knew it wasn't my fault. I could hear Jane sobbing worried for her friend but I refused to cry I had to be strong for Lilly.

Soon we were back in asguard the king and queen had rushed to us "She's been poisoned get her to the healers quick"

6 hours later
The healers had been in there with Lilly for a very long time. And I'm standing up and pacing back and forth between mother and father. "Hello I'm here to inform you that Princess Lilly is responding well to the treatment however some of her appearance will not change back because the poison changed part of her DNA" the head healer said "can I I see her" I asked the healer bowed " yes prince Loki you may however do be careful her health is rather fragile at the moment" I walked into Lillys hospital room and saw her lying on her bed with a gold mist over the top of her helping heal her body faster.
I sat in the chair beside her bed and held her hand. I felt a tear slip from my eye and quickly wiped it away "you look beautiful Lilly with crystal white hair it's amazing their are little sparkles all over your pale skin you are even more beautiful than before. I'm so glad that you are okay but it just makes me scared I could have lost you my head it could not understand losing you I can't imagine you not being in my life anymore Lilly I love you.... I love you with all my heart" "and I love you loki" said a quiet voice I saw that Lilly was awake "hey how's my angel feeling" I said stroking her head "I just feel very tired Loki" said smiling sleepy up at me barely able to keep her eyes open I stroked her head and she nussled into my touch "I'll go and let you sleep darling" I said and was about to get up but she stopped me "don't go Loki I don't want to be alone sleep with me" she asked and used all the strength she had to move over and make room for me. I stripped myself of my armour and clothes just left in my boxers and climbed in beside Lilly she lay her head on top of my chest and I wrapped both arms around her she wrapped her arms around my torso and within seconds we were both fast asleep.

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