chapter 3: I'm who's daughter

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Lokis POV

"It's been hours" I said to frega "I know but they'll tell us soon darling" my mother said "queen queen please cone quickly something astonishing has happened" we both rushed into the room to see a gold dust form over the top of Lillys body exactly the same as odin does when he falls into the odin sleep. "Oh my can.... can it really be her" said the queen "what do you mean mother" I asked "nurses check the girls DNA.
The nurses came back with the test results "it's definitely her your majesty" the queen fell the the floor tears flooding down her face "Oh my poor baby my poor Lilly what have they done to you how did you not know I was you mother" I listened to mother astounded by what I had just heard.

Lilly was the lost princess of Asguard taken from us in the time of the great war and never seen again until this very day. I remember when I was 7 and she was four we used to go pick roses from the garden and pick the petals off them to conjure up some fragrance spell that would make the guards faint. I missed Lilly so much and now look what I've done to her I've hurt her so badly. I hugged my mother and kissed her head.

Lillys POV

everything was fuzzing I felt awake I could hear voices but I couldn't open my eyes "no she doesn't seem to want to wake up yet sire her body is still healing itself" I heard a voice say I think it was a nurse "but she's going to be okay isn't she how long do you think it will take" asked a more gruff voice I recognised it as the Allfathers voice but why was he here for me "father calm down you go into an odin sleep again" said another voice I didn't recognise. Okay Lilly don't panic everything's fine there's nothing to be afraid of my breathing seemed to quicken and my heart rate did to I could hear to monitor beeping like crazy I could hear voices shouting at me but one voice stood out to me "shhh hey Lilly it's me loki.... I know you can hear me because the nurses said you can I just want to tell you everything's alright.... you're okay" I calmed down and my heat rate became normal "okay Lilly don't panic I'm just going to lift your back off of the bed do the nurses can tend to you wounds" and sure enough I felt someone lift me up and a cold cloth is pressed to my back and I'm laid back down again.
"Wow loki your voice seems to calm her" I presumed a healer said "Hello sweetheart it's your mommy here I'm so sorry this happened to you I'm so sorry you got taken from us but now your back you can be a princess again" my heart rate went up skyrocketing so much the my chest hurt to breathe "Oh dear it's happening again" said a nurse panicking.
Loki, loki I'm scared please where are you I thought hoping he would hear me I don't know why I'm depending on him but he after all he's done still manages to make me feel safe. I felt a warn hand hold mine and another similar hand stroke my head
"It's alright it's alright shhh I'm here goodness knows why you want me here but I'm here all the same" I don't understand why I can't move I can't speak I can't even open my eyes I'm so scared what do I do
"You don't do anything love it's a healing process your body is so tired it had to shut down but you should be able to wake up soon"
Loki everything's fading I can't hear you anymore loki ii. ......

Lokis POV
Her voice trailed off and worry washed over me "I can't hear her anymore is that normal" I asked the healer "yes it is prince loki it means she's waking up now" and sure enough as I looked at her. Her eyes began to blink rapidly because of the light she looked around and noticed me she stared at me for a while and then relaxed back into my hand that was stroking her head "hi" I said and she smiled a lazy smile "I remember you we used to pick roses in the royal garden" she said and turned her head to face me "I missed you loki" she said and squeezed my other hand holding my hand in both of her tiny ones I smiled and patted my hands over hers "I missed you too little Lilly" I chuckled at the old nickname I had given her.
She winced as she moved. Oh this is all my fault. "Prince loki could you lift her up again we have to change the cloth quickly or the princesses back will become infected "ok" I said grabbing both Lillys arms I lifted her up "AHHHH" she screamed in agony "what what is it" then I noticed what it was there was a small piece of shard stabbed into her side blood leaking out everywhere "Oh God Lilly stay with me now it's okay" I said as her body began to feel limp again "stay awake Lilly for me.... SOMEONE HELP" I screamed I was scared I didn't like to admit it but I was terrified I had only just got her back and I'm losing her again "we're short of staff loki you'll have to help keep presure while I remove the shard" I heald the cloth around the shard as the healer pulled it out I pressed on the wound but the cloth was soaked in her blood.

Suddenly more healers rushed in and shoved me out of the way. So much blood so many people rushing about this is all your fault loki and you know it.... Ugh shut up voice shut up "prince loki are you alright you're holding your head" said a healer "Umm yer I'm fine healer how is Lilly doing" "princess Lilly is doing well she's awake if you'd like to see her" the healer had pointed me to a new room obviously built specificly for her when she was born they must have kept it all this time.

You see each member of the royal family has their own hospital bedroom I have mine and thor has his. I walked in and saw Lilly sitting up in bed she smiled and waved I chuckled "so princess Lilly I think that's gonna take some getting used to"

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