chapter 15: delivery

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Lillys POV
Something was wrong. I could feel it I just didn't know what it was but anyway I am probably just being paranoid.
"Sweetheart you shouldn't be standing up here sit down on this chair" loki said as he forced me to sit down on my rocking chair once again with nothing to do "loki I'm with child I'm not dying" I said as loki smiled at me and placed a kiss to my now very big baby bump I was officially 8 1/2 months pregnant it had been a good pregnancy and everything so far had gone smoothly. I sat on my rocking chair reading my book while loki was off at training he said he wouldn't be too long since he doesn't want to be away from me for very long since I am quite close to my due date.
I stood up trying to ease my aching back and flexed my hands above my head just as loki walked back in through the door. "Hello love how are you feeling" he asked and put his hands on my stomach and stroked it gently I felt great "Mhm that feels good" I said hugging him close he laughed and continued to rub my stomach. "How did training go?" I asked he just smiled "just the usual I kicked ass" he laughed. I sat back down in my chair and began to read my book when my stomach began to feel odd I gasped and held on to it. Loki came running in "are you okay is it the baby?" He asked holding me from behind as I was now standing "I think the baby's coming" I said clutching my stomach again remembering to breath this time "ok umm what do I do" he asked "TAKE ME TO THE BLOODY HEALERS YOU DIP SHIT" I yelled at him.

Loki scooped me up in his arms and held me close to him.
I screamed as another contaction hit me gripping on to loki tightly. "It hurts" I waled "it's okay darling we're almost there" loki smiled down at me as I scowled up at him. He did this to me.
Loki got to the healers in no time and I was placed on a white king sized bed in my private hospital room.
"It hurts so much loki make it stop" I cried "Shh my darlin just breath" loki said stroking my back gently trying to comfort me "I am breathing you idiot... Oh Loki I'm sorry I'm being so mean" I said as loki sat on the bed and placed me in between his legs and placed his had on my swollen stomach and began rubbing. I let my head fall to his chest and groaned as another contraction came this time stronger and something felt wrong "loki somethings wrong I can feel it" I said suddenly becoming dizzy and began to black out.

Lokis pov
"Loki some things wrong I can feel it" Lillys voice sounded weak now and I felt the bed become wet with some sort of liquid. I looked down to find a pool of blood between Lillys legs. I rushed to get up and ran to the door of our private room.
"Help please the prince needs help" I yelled and the healers came running pushing me out of the room.
It had been hours and mother father Thor and Jane were all waiting outside of Lillys room along with me. We did not talk we were too nervous to. The silence was agonising and never ending apart from when Thor got a nervous twitch and began to tap his chair subconsciously.
I sighed losing all hope fearing the worst when a healer came out smiling. I imediatly stood up. "Prince loki follow me the rest of you must stay here sorry" she said and I followed her through the door to my wife's hospital room.

There sat Lilly looking tired and drained but at the same time the most proud woman in all of Asgard. In Lillys arms there was a tiny bundle of blue blanket. I stopped "come loki... come and meet your little son" Lilly said looking down at the bundle once again almost savouring the sight.
I walked over to her and my son and sat down on the bed beside her. "Here hold our son loki isn't he just handsome" Lilly smiled she passed the little bundle over into my arms and I knew right then that I would love this tiny human being until the day I die. The little boys eyes opened and they were golden brown and his hands reached up as he giggled and grasped on my fingers and began sucking on it. I chuckled "looks like he's hungr-" I looked over at Lilly to find her fast asleep I smiled and looked back at the bundle of joy in my arms "guess it's just me and you buddy come on ill take you to meet everybody while mommy sleeps" I said to him. I stood up carefully with the bundle in my arms and walked into the corridor where I saw mom dad and thor and Jane waiting they all looked nervous until they saw me smiling with the little bundle.
Frigga burst into tears and Odin smiled.
"I'm proud of you my son" he said hugging me but the little baby started to wine "careful father you'll wake him" I said coming out of the hug "Oh sorry little one... Loki he's only been here five minutes and you're already protective over him".

"He's the most beautiful creature created by the most beautiful wife and I it's a moment that I will treasure for as long as I shall live"

Thankyou so much for reading this fanfiction it's my first loki fanfiction comment if you would like me to continue xx

Also check out my other loki fanfics I think you guys might like them xxxx

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