chapter 6: destined for dreams

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Lokis POV
I walked towards the royal throne room with Lilly walking next to me. We entered "father mother we need to speak with you it is an urgent matter" I said the king and queen got everyone to leave us alone. "What is it loki" mother asked "well we've had these dreams you see dreams of us two being married with kids and it happened at the same time what does this mean mom" I said she looked quite shocked "Oh dear Odin I didn't expect this to happen well I did just not this soon" she said to Odin "let me explain you see there is such a thing as you know called soul mates and when loki was just five we were told he would be the soul mate of out next born daughter which is you Lilly so what you thought was a dream may actually be your future" Odin said smiling at the two of us "Umm okay has everybody gone MAD" Lilly raised her voice "I'm going back to bed I can't deal with this much in one week" she carmly and began walking away presumably back to her room. "Oh dear the poor girl must be so confused bless my baby girl" mother said I nodded and sat down with them "so what happens now" I asked them "well I don't really know all I know is that one day you too will be together maybe sooner or it may be far in your future I don't know sorry loki" Odin said as he patted my back "Maybe you'll be like Thor and Lady Jane one day" said mother "but oh I don't know I'm going to see if Lilly is okay" I quickly made my exit and walked towards the royal chambers I came a Ross Lillys door and raised my hand to knock when I heard sobbing coming from within poor Lilly I thought she must really be so confused I mean a lot has happened in the past week for one person to take in and be totally fine with it. I opened the door to see Lilly in a ball on her bed sobbing "Lilly?" I asked but she continued sobbing I went over and sat beside her and stroked her head "I don't know what to to its all too much these dreams me being a princess and to top that all off my back is back is hurting like someone stomped on it with studs .... This is what I get for wishing on a bloody star this is not what I wished for at all" I felt guilty I was causing most of her pain "tell you what how about tomorrow I get you fitted for your welcome home ball that's in two weeks time what do you think of that just you me and a lot of fabric" I said she looked up at me and smiled and chuckled "ok tomorrow it is Loki.... thankyou" she said and surprised me with a bone crushing hug "I didn't realise the dress would make you so happy" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her small hourglass figure.

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