chapter 28: happiness

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Lokis POV

"Good morning my love... I have great news if you didn't hear before... there's two little babies inside of you not just one... Two beautiful lives that you are carrying no wonder you have gone into an Odin sleep... I was so worried when I heard that I almost went into melt down myself but Thor and the Avengers have helped me alot they have all put the past behind them as the term goes on midgard... but I still wish I could see your smiling face and those blue eyes of yours I wish you would wake up so I could share our joy properly" I held Lilly ice cold hands as she slept regaining her strength her appearance was saddening to me. The healers had put a tube threw her nose to make sure she and the babies are fed all of their nutrients while she could not physically do it herself. Lilly lay pale and silent unmoving apart from ther chest rising up and down.

"Brother I brought some friends they were worried after you left so I felt they needed to come to Asgard to see you" Thor had popped his head around the door of Lillys private room and smiled.

I let a sleeping Lilly and walked into the corridor of the hospital wing. As I Walked around the corner I saw all of the Avengers as they like to call themselves. They were sitting on the benches with their head in their hands obviously thinking the worst. When they saw me with my tear stained face and my swollen eyes, natasha imediatly let out a sob which I was rather surprised about.

I walked over to natasha and the group. They looked at me all thinking Lilly and the babies were dead. I let out a bright smiled across my face and natasha looked at me oddly. "Why are you smiling loki your wife and baby is dead?" Natasha growled at me standing up and crossing her arms. I laughed "because they are not dead..." said taking a long pause I could see they all wanted to know what was going on "Lilly just collapsed because we're actually having twins!" I said shouting and laughing at the same time. Their faces were a picture some with open mouth es and some with eyes as big as plates. "Brother you've been busy" Thor stated hugging me laughing a deep throaty laugh.
"Oh my god what are the sexes?" Natasha asked hugging me "one girl one boy" I answered smiling I have become fond of Natasha only in a friend way though nothing could surpass the beauty Lilly possesses.

Suddenly natasha reached up to kiss me she had a death grip on my head so I couldn't pull away. When I finally managed to I turned my head to see Lilly with tears rolling down her cheeks and a hand over her mouth.

"Lilly darling it's not what you think I promise I only have eyes for you" I desperately pleaded although Lillys face grew emotionless I W's worried this was not a good sign nor was it healthy for the three of them.

"I want a divorce" she said and walked back into her hospital room

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