chapter 21: heart broken

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Lillys pov

As soon as the healers left I broke out in sobs. I placed my hands over my mouth to try and supress the strangled cries coming from my mouth.
I felt like my heart was breaking in two was I too weak to look after the baby growing inside of my stomach. I should have been more careful.

I looked at loki who also was shedding tears "loki what are we going to do... I can't... I cant" I broke out into sobs again and loki engulfed me into a hug as if he was trying to protect me but I knew nothing would make me happy not after this awful news.
"Shh shhh my darling" loki tried to sooth me and cradle me but I just felt so uterly useless. "I'm sure there's something we can do to protect the baby we will just have to speak to Odin and my mother when they get back which can't be too long darling don't you worry I'll take care of everything" loki squeezed me and kissed the top of my head.

Lokis pov

To be honest I was scared. Scared because I could lose my wife... scared because I could lose the baby... scared because I was going away for almost 2 months with Thor.

I cradled a sleeping and exausted Lilly in my arms. I really should write to father asking when they are coming back... I wouldn't dare leave Lilly in this state by herself who knows what could happen.

I shifted myself towards the desk and lay Lilly on the bed in our room. I dipped my pen in a pot of ink.

Dear Father

Alot has happened in the two weeks you and mother have been absent from our daily lives aswell as valiant I hope he's coping without us miss him so much.
Anyway to get back to my point I wanted to ask you when you plan on returning to Asgard as some unfortunate event has occurred that I need your advice on I can't write it down in this letter I would much rather talk to you face to face. Hope to see you and mother soon.
Send all my love to valiant.


I finished writing the letter and went down to the Bifrost to see Heimdall who I hope would send the letter to my parents where ever they may be (they never tell anybody where they are going" to be honest it's slightly rediculous but anyway.

"Good morning prince loki" Heimdall smiled he had forgiven me for breaking the Bifrost thank goodness.

"Is everything okay prince loki?" Heimdall asked looking slightly confused as I sighed and shake my head but I said no more and Heimdall did not push the subject.

"Could you give this letter to my parents it's rather urgent and I know you know what's wrong you see and hear everything" I said chuckling at the end although this was no laughing matter I had to laugh or else I would cry.

Lillys pov

I sat up and realised that I was no longer in a hospital bed but was now in mine and Lokis room. I smiled at the thought of loki being a gentleman and carrying me over here while I was fast asleep.

The room was quite and still... The silence was deafening. You would never think that something was wrong until you saw my tear stained face.

I heard the bedroom door open and in came loki he looked tired and stressed.

"I wrote to Odin and Mother" he said sitting beside me on the bed "I asked to speak with odin once he was back they should be back soon my love" loki stated, he grabbed my hands and encased his larger ones around them almost as if he was protecting them.

"I promise whatever it takes however long it takes I will find a way to save our child" loki said and wiped my tears away with the base of his thumb.

"Do not cry my love everything will be alright" loki said although I could still see the doubt in his emerald eyes... but just for once I pushed it aside I don't think my heart could take much more uncertainty.

"I love you loki" I lay my head on his chest as we lay down together.

"I love you too Lilly... with all my heart and soul" loki hugged my waist as we fell into a much need sleep.

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