chapter 4: the hopeful life

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Lillys POV

It's been three days since I found out I was a daughter of Odin. Who knew I was a princess? It all seems like a dream except for the fact that I'm stuck in a hospital bed bored out of my mind until loki comes to visit. Don't get me wrong I love it when mother visits but we just haven't clicked yet if you understand my meaning.
They're moving me to my bedroom today I wonder what it's going to be like I wonder if I will remember it.
"Hey how's the patient" I heard a voice that obviously belonged to loki "I'm good just waiting for my wheelchair to come and then they'll take me to my new room" I said Loki smirked and said "Nah you don't need a wheelchair when you got me" he put one of his arms under my knees and his other on my back.
"Loki what are you doing" I shouted cling on to him for dear life "don't worry princess I've got you" he said again with the sly smirk upon his face. It was only then looking at his face that I noticed big circles under his bright green eyes that also seemed to have dimmed a little. "Loki have you been getting enough sleep" I asked looking up at him. He looked down at me and frowned "same old Lilly always worrying about everybody but yourself... However since you asked... no I don't think I have the nights have been to hot lately and me being a frost giant and all it just doesn't work out" Oh now I understood it was after all the height of summer here. I feel for Loki however my situation was slightly different in the winter I used to freeze because my blanket was too thin so therefore I didn't sleep much.
"And here it is" Loki announced before me and Loki stood a tall wooden door painted a rose red with golden sweerls all over it.
I opened the door handle since Loki had his hands full.

Loki carried me in and sat me down on the bed "tada" he said waving his hands around. You'd never seen loki so energetic and wondered if the lack of sleep was getting to him.
The room was fairly large with a red marble floor and white furniture, my bed was covered in rose red silk but my favorite part of the room was the large bay window it had a beautiful view of the nights sky and the kingdom bellow. There was also a walk in wardrobe and my own personal bathroom.
"Do you like it the queen had it prepared for you she hoped you'd like the window" said Loki sitting beside me "yes it's beautiful it's more than I could have ever wished for thankyou" I said. There was a knock at the door and a man with long blonde hair and a red Cape came running in "Oh dear sister I'm so happy to see that you are well how do you like your room is it to your taste" thor said hugging me tightly he chuckled and hugged me tighter "careful thor you don't want to break her" loki said in a panicked voice "relax brother of mine I wouldn't harm our dear Lilly" thor said looking down at me smiling I heard loki grumble something under his breath and I glared at him he glared back. "Right well umm Jane is waiting for me... bye" thor said arkwardly sensing the tension between me and Loki he left the room quite quickly "why do you always have to be so ungrateful Loki thor is always so nice you" I said " don't tell me I am ungrateful I just don't like thor and he's not my brother" loki said in a raised voice " stop being such a drama queen Loki thor might not be your brother but he considers you to be his" I said beginning to lose my patience with loki "WELL YOU CAN SPEAK MISS I AM SO PERFECT NEW FLASH PRINCESS YOURE NOT" loki shouted at me god what did I ever do to him he makes me so mad "HOW DARE YOU TURN THIS ON ME IM NOT THE ONE WHO THINK SHE'S PERFECT THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR THINKING NOT GO AWAY" I yelled "FINE ILL GO AWAY AND MIGHT NOT COME BACK" he shouted leaving towards the door "FINE" I yelled "FINE" he yelled and slammed the door shut.

Ugh what a brat I didn't do anything wrong it was all him he was the one who started it. Unbelievable how he could just twist the words you say and make you look like the bad guy when it was actually him.
I could hear smashing in the room next to me I presumed it must be loki throwing a temper tantrum in his bedroom stupid prince I thought to myself.

I changed into my red silk nightgown it was so strange to be wearing such expensive clothing after being a maid. I sat by my window and noticed the big wishing star " why didn't you grant my only wish all I want is love someone to call my own. But I guess not all wishes are allowed to be granted. But thanks for listening star" I said looking at the bring twinkling light in the dark black sky.

I headed into my new bed. I lay there for hours on end constantly tossing and turning hoping to get sleep but my mind would not settle. I hate to admit it be I can't go to sleep until I am friends with loki again but I won't give up I am determined not to apologise first he should do it he's the man after all.

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