chapter 30: love and loss

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Lokis pov

I hate this I can't find Lilly anywhere I hate this... its breaking me.

"LOKI LOKI!" I heard frigga shouting and saw her running towards me slightly frantic.
"Mom what's wrong?" I asked trying to calm her down I need to know that Lilly was safe. As long as Lilly and the babies are safe then so is my sanity. Sort of....

"Huhhh... The babies Lilly... labour" frigga breathed out. Shit that can't be good she's only what 6 and a half months as of today if the babies are born today I don't know if they will survive.
"Where are they?" I asked "healers" frigga answered and I ran off down the corridor of the palace looking for the entrance to the healers.
" loki where the hell have you been" Lilly screamed at me as I ran into her room.
Lilly lay on the bed with sweat covering her pale brow and her cheeks glowing slightly a reddish tinge to them.
"I'm so sorry my darling I was looking everywhere for you then frigga told me the news... Oh Lilly natasha it all meant nothing I promise you I didn't kiss her back it's you it's always been you only you have the key to my ice cold heart... My heart beats souly for you and valiant and these two beautiful children you are about to bare of our own making"
"I know loki I'm so sorry I over reacted it's the hormones mine are all over the place at the moment obviously I'm so sorry to have cause all this fuss and now I've gone into earlie labour" Lilly cried as she sat up slightly clutching her swollen belly.
"Loki go fetch a healer for me please?" Lilly asked.
I nodded and called for a healer.

"AHHH" Lilly screamed with every fibre of her being as she pushed for the tenth consecutive time.
"I can't... can't do it any more loki it's too hard" Lilly cried putting her head into my shoulder letting her tears drop down my armour.
"Shh darling just one more push and our little girl will be here" I said wiping the sweat off of her forehead.
With one final scream and push the sound of a baby crying could be heard and the two.
"We did it Lilly" I said kissing her head as her eyes began to close and the odin sleep enclosed her for I don't know how long or when she would wake up but I hope it's soon she didn't even get to gaze upon her new born daughter and son.
"What are you going to name the girl prince loki?" Asked a healer.
"Rosalie Lilly Odison" I answered looking down at the bundle sleeping in the pink fluffy blanket.
"And the boy?"
"Zues loki Odison" I said looking at the little boy in the small crib.

A perfect family something I thought was impossible for me to have.

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