chapter 20: anual check

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Lillys POV

It's been 2 weeks since valiant went on holiday with Frigga and Odin and to be honest I was really missing him maybe more that a mother should.

Today I was going for my anual check up if you like just to make sure everything's okay and to make sure my back healed properly I know it's been ages since that happened but it still haunts me.

I walked out of mine and Lokis room towards the hospital wing as I like to call it.
"Good morning princess Lilly how's everything been?" A healer asked me as I sat down opposite her.
"Good everything's fine I think just been feeling a little sick this morning is all but it's probably because I haven't eaten anything this morning" I said to the healer and she smiled.
"Well let me examine you hop p onto this bed please." She asked and I did so.
I lay on the bed and the healer started pressing on my abdomen suddenly she came to a particularly tender part and I yelped "is that sore princess" the healer asked and I nodded but couldn't understand why.
"Hmm I'll bring back" the healer said and walked out of the room.she came back in moments later with an ultra sound machine. "Just to make sure are you being sexually active princess" she said and I blushed but nodded.
She placed the cold gel over my stomach and looked at the screen "Oh my goodness excuse me I need to get a more experienced healer" she said and dashed out of the room. I wonder what's wrong with me and my stomach.
The previous healer came in along with an older looking healer and they both looked at the screen and nodded their heads.
"Umm princess Lilly I shall go a and fetch prince loki" the younger healer said. I wonder what's so important for a healer to have to interupt Lokis training session. I hope it's nothing too bad. I can't think of anything that it could be.

Lokis POV
Lilly hadn't talked much since that night it was almost like she was having mood swings. I was training and aiming daggers at a small target when a healer came into the training room. Out of instinct I walked over to the small woman "is everything okay?" I asked and the healer replyed "please follow me prince loki princess Lilly has her anual check up and something doesn't seem quite right" the healer informed me on my way to the hospital wing.

Lillys pov

Loki was now sitting beside me and holding my hand. "Okay so the good news is that Lilly is pregnant again congratulations.... However the bad news is that you will probably have a miscarriage" the elder healer explained. "What!why!?" Loki demanded. "The baby seems to be more frost giant than Asgardian this time so you may not be able to carry the baby all the way through the pregnancy or it could come early we just don't know.... we'll give you both some privacy.

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