chapter 11: The wedding

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Lillys POV
I looked into the full length mirror in front of me, I was nervous very nervous about the wedding my dress was beautiful I love it... It was white and all the way down to the ground long sleeve as well. Mothers had helped me bathe this morning she put some special soap in she said she used this alot when they were on their honeymoon.
The honeymoon I was mortified about... Loki would be expecting sex but what if I'm not good enough I've never done it before what if I don't I gulped satisfy him.
"Lilly it's time are you ready" asked father.... I may not know much about married life but I do know that I love loki with all my heart and couldn't imagine a happier moment in my life.
I walked down the Isle and saw loki is his gold and green wedding armour he took my hand and I could swear his eyes were glistening with tears.
"Dearly beloved we are gather here today to join these two people in holy mantromony"
15 minutes later
"You may kiss the bride" me and Loki kissed each other and we laughed when we heard the crowd roar. We ran back up the aisle hand in hand and headed toward our horse and carriage. I stopped to say goodbye to mother and Father and hugged them. Odin hugged his wife as her tears flowed freely I said goodbye to Jane who's stomach was now enormous she was crying as well.
I got into the horse and carriage and waved goodbye to everybody in Asguard " we're married" I said shocked "yes we are" Loki looked at me and pressed his lips to mine lovingly. We got to the Bifrost and soon we were on Earth.
Loki showed me where we would be staying "I had it built for us and for our children to come.... This is our place for now" loki smiled down at me and lifted me up bridal style and walked into the house. "Oh Loki it's beautiful it's so beautiful thankyou so much" I said standing on my tip toes and pressing a loving kiss to my lips "you know you could repay me for it my beautiful wife... come to bed with me" loki whispered against my lips I could almost feel his smirk radiate of him as I nodded my head. Our lips met in a heated kiss and slowly moved as one Lokis hand rested on my lower back his other hand reaching back to undo the lace at the back of my dress "I love this dress on you but I like it more off you" Loki said looking at my bare body completely naked in front of him. He ran his thumb over my nipple I felt some sort of jolt of pleasure and moaned, he smirked his famous smirk and guided me backwards until we both fell onto something soft and cool. Lokis mouth attacked my neck..
"I love you Lilly so much" he whispered against my neck. I tugged on his armour that dug blissfully into my skin "I love you too loki so much"
He took his armour off seeing my discomfort with being the only one of us naked.

The next morning
The sun shone in through the blinds and a small breeze from the sea came in through an open window I didn't have to worry about the cold. I wrapped up in the arms of the man I loved who was sleeping soundly next to me. I turned around to see Loki with is mouth parted and his hair slightly desheviled and curly I was so tempted to run my hands through his hair like I did last night..... Oh last night was amazing he made me feel so loved and with every thrust he asked if i was okay.... making love like that was beyond magical.
I ran my hands through his hair and he woke and opened his eyes sleeply "Hello love" he said "how are you feeling after last night" he smirked and rolled on to his side to face me. "Mhm" I answered back place my head against his chest.

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