chapter 8: a change of planet

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Lillys POV
It's been exactly one week since mine and Lokis little make out session if you like and I have noticed this strange green snake like mark on my neck exactly where Loki pressed his lips to that night I don't know what it is. Also things haven't been to peaceful in Asguard Thor has been called from earth many times to help and assist Asguard as we need as many warriors as possible. The frost giants attack every night getting closer and closer to winning but I have a feeling things are about to get very strange I don't know why and I don't know how I just feel it in my bones.
And on top of that loki seems to be doing his best to avoid me since that night he seems to regret his decision to kiss me which saddens me very deeply.

I am currently sitting in my room with Jane Thors wife she's very lovely I must say especially for a human she's very wise and always has great advice like the advice she's giving me now "well if you feel like he regrets it make him regret regretting does that make sense make him see what a lovely kind and talented person you really are show him what he's missing" she says "thanks Jane but you know Loki once his mind is made up it is made up he does not change it or rarely does anyway" I sighed and got up out of my seat and went to answer the door "princess Lilly and Lady Jane the king and queen request your presence in the throne room imediatly thankyou" I was a royal guard.
Me and Jane walked side by side as we followed the guard to the throne room we both walked in and the king and queen were waiting for us along with Thor and loki.
"Welcome... uhh I'm afraid princess Lilly it is no longer safe for you here on Asguard and the same fate is Lokis as well you see the frost giants plan to take their revenge by killing you and loki because of a legend they fear will come true if you two were to live and so Thor and Jane have kindly allowed you to live with them in their home on earth until we have sorted out this minor situation." Odin spoke loud and firm yet his voice held concern for both me and Loki and for the fate of his Kingdom.

Everything began to look blurred I was seeing two of everybody in the room "Oh my god I thinks she going" I could vaguely see Jane reach out to me and shake my shoulders "I'll be fine Jane I just n..eed a moment t..o sit dow-" my sentence was cut of by the darkness that over took me.

Lokis POV

Thank god I managed to catch her before she fell unconcious and onto the hard cold floor of the throne room "Oh poor Lilly she must be so shocked" said Jane who had become quite good friends with Lilly over the past few weeks.
"I can't believe we have to send her away when we've just found her" Mother said as Odin comforted her "loki promise me something... promise me you'll keep yourself safe and Lilly to" Odin said "I promise Father" I think that was the first time I truly felt like I belonged here and now I have to leave because of my own species.

"Follow me brother" said Thor as he led us towards the stables I still had Lilly in my arms she was no longer unconcious but sleeping soundly like a baby. Tor had our horses prepared and we were then on our way to the Bifrost.
"Right good luck my friends" the gate keep said and in a flash we were on Earth once again.

Lillys POV
I felt safe in these arms like nothing could harm me I felt as if I was floating on air. I opened my eyes and realised I must have been asleep for a very long time as the arms had been replaced by a bed one I did not recognise. I shot up and ran out the door to see loki sitting down on a wooden chair shirtless getting his hair cut by Jane
"Careful Jane don't cut all of it off OUCH that's my ear" loki sqirmmed again Jane "stop being a baby and let me cut your hair you need to blend in you idiot" "well I'm hardly going to blend in I'm a God" loki said to Jane scowling crossing his arms and huffing.
I burst out laughing and Loki looked up at me "I don't know why you're laughing look at you clothes" loki said I looked at my clothes ands saw my top only came just above my belly button and I had a pair of tight fitted trouser on " Oh my God who did this" I said "I did I thought you and loki should at least try to fit in while you stay here" said Jane " well I'm half naked in front of you and loki Jane this is highly inapropriate I feel like a slut" I said trying you cover my bare arms and stomach "Oh relax that's what people wear here calm down think you look great" said Jane admiring her handy work of Lokis hair " well we have rules in Asguard only your husband is allowed to see certain parts of your body I feel like I'm betraying my Kingdom allowed nd I don't have a husband" "no you're right you don't but from what I can see on your neck Loki has already claimed you as his" said Jane "what do you mean" I asked Jane.
Jane sighed and moved her scald to reveal a small yellow bolt of lightening "this is my mark for example I am Thors we are now married so therefore you and loki are now inevitably going to be together" she said "Loki how could you I want to marry for love not because of some stupid mark that you gave me" I glared at Loki and he looked at me innocently and grinned "unbelievable" I said and walked back to my room.

6 hours later
Lillys POV
I've been sitting here a while doing nothing but wallowing in my depression at the fact that my only wish will never come true I will never be able to love someone else because I am bound to loki forever or for ever how long we both live.
*knock knock* my head shot up as there was a knock on my new bedroom door "cone in" I answered and Lokis head slowly popped around the door his face slightly concerned not for me but for what I might do to him I was known to be quite brutal when angry as loki had found out a couple of days ago "Umm hi" he said I just glared at him and he sighed and sat next to me on the bed "please forgive me I promise I will make you the happiest person in the entire universe I will give you everything and more but only if you are willing to give me one... just once chance is all I ask for I promise I will not let you down Lilly" Loki said looking at the ground he was holding a small leather box "I had this made for you if you are willing to take it" loki said getting down on one knee. Oh my God what is he doing we barely know each other "loki I. .." he opened the ring and it was the same one from my dream and suddenly everything from that dream came back to me and it made me realise just how happy we could actually be me with our kids and growing old together maybe this is what the star meant for me maybe my dream of love has already come true I just wasn't read for it but now I am "Princess Lilly of Asguard this is not a marriage proposal but it is and engagement ring.... so that when we do decide to marry we shall" loki smiled at me with hope in his eyes but it all dissolved when I burst into tears "Oh Lilly I didn't mean-- "no no Loki I'm not sad I'm just very happy that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me" I looked and him as he put the ring on my finger.

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