Is it so Hard to Say Sorry 🤕 -Awesamponk

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Hello, my first oneshot in this collection! I hope you ae a wonderful day :) All pronouns for Ponk :P

TW: Mentions Of Blood:

Sam felt oddly numb whenever he was absent from those he loved. In the prison he felt awfully stiff and cold, his senses only tingling when he saw Dream move through the security cameras. He'd ended up taking off his netherite in his office. With all the torches and redstone and lava, he could feel his veins withering in the heat. Now he was in a black fitted wide-shouldered tank top and grey sweatpants. Comfortable, aside from the gasmask. At this point he could barely even recognize the filtering mask on his face- it was so normal for him to wear. His breathing was not like darth vader, he would like you to know. He typically would exercise when he was bored, adding to his muscle, though right now he was too tied up in his own thoughts to bother. His mind was swimming with prickling excitement that tingled his hands at the reminder that Ponk was his boyfriend. Again. He opted to ignore that part. So far it has been absolutely incredible to have the smaller back in his life. He'd been dragging Ponk to his base whenever he had the chance rather than the white-blonds own hobbit home. Sam hummed contently at memories of twirling Ponks hair in his fingers as he held her tightly in his chest. He ran a hand through his own green hair before he put his arms back in the crossed state and he leaned his back against the wall. In the corner of his eye he noticed a small shift in Dream's state as the sadist stood. Sam's gaze quickly snapped to it as he stood stiffer, huffing out some smoke through his mask in a growl. Techno had been released, but there is no chance he was letting Dream get away with things just because he was the only one for Sam to really take notice of. He walked out of his office relatively briskly, already agitated at the fact Dream pried him away from his blissful thoughts on his boyfriend. He navigated the prison with complete swift ease, expertly not once stumbling or pausing to reconfigure his directions. It only took three or so minutes to reach Dreams cell.

"What is it you need." Sam said, meant to be a question but the venom in his voice quickly shifted it's meaning. Dream had a somewhat crooked grin playing on his mouth. There was no denying he looked like a mess. Dreams mask was cracked and bloody, a thick stubble on his mouth that Sam had neglected to offer him the chance to shave. He had scars littering him all over. Sam had more important things to care about.

"You forgot to feed me, Sam." He hummed out.

Ah, he supposed he had. He remained stoic, letting some more smoke out the sides of his mask.

"Your brains been preoccupied, Sammy-"

"Don't call me that, Dream." He growled, teeth gritting. Dream rolled his eyes.

"Okay then, Warden. Your mind's been running rampant! What's been driving you up the wall, hmm?"

"None of your business. I will get you some food, alright?" He said, question rhetorical.

"So tense! You need someone to...relieve it, if you get what I mean?" Dream teased. Wiggling his eyebrows.

Sam clicked his tongue, a spark of possessiveness twisting at the mere idea of being around anyone other than Ponk. At the idea of Ponk being around anyone other than him. "I already have someone for those sorts of things, Dream. And no- I do not only use them for sex. I am not like you." He said coldly, leaving Dream in surprise briefly.

"Who?! You got dumped by Foolish, don't tell me he came running back- and your first lover, she's a cute one without the mask, but if I recall-"

"You recall nothing. It's Ponk." he bit out before stalking off to retrieve the grum he would provide the criminal. He felt the blond staring wholes into his back as he walked off, making him click his tongue in amusement. His tail swooshed against the floor as he prided himself on how he made it clear that Ponk was his human once more. He scooped up some porridge looking shit into a wooden bowl that he'd crafted about a week ago after he burned the last one in agitation at having to work late. He sighed when he had to turn back to the murderer, gritting his teeth at the memories of the prisoners actions. "Here," Sam said, twisting the bowl through the thin bars as Dream hastily tried to keep the food in the bowl. Once he got the food he promptly backed away from the Warden. Sam cocked an eyebrow.

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