SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 1 🤕

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Tommy's POV

"Hey Tubbo, I'll see you on Tuesday, yeah?" Tommy chimed through the phone. It was quiet that day. Or quieter than usual for a nine year old that is. Tubbo giggled across the line,

"Yeah, course!"

"Maybe we can finally design our treehouse!!"

Tubbo chuckled quietly on the other end, Tommy could hear him nod though.

Tubbo always was quiet on the phone, odd considering how loud he is in real life, anyway Tommy always shushed his brothers promptly so he could hear everything his friend said.

"I hate long weekends, why can't I ever see you over them?!" Tommy whined, voice high pitched and convulsant.

Tubbo went silent for a few seconds "I just, well I can't." He said simply, using his ten year old vocabulary to his best advantage.

"You say that every time." Tommy huffed. It was true, he never got to see Tubbo anymore. Tubbo giggled across the line,

"Yeah, because that's always going to be my answer!" he said honestly.

Tommy huffed. "No fair."

He heard a vague sound of a door opening on the other side of the phone, and he took it as his cue that he likely had to leave. He always had to leave whenever the door opened. Tubbo went silent for a minute and Tommy could hear the door shut.

"I have to go, Tommy."
"Yeah yeah, I know. I'll see you tuesday."

"Yup!" Tubbo whispered, enthusiasm stingingly forced. Tommy opened his mouth before the line went dead. He pouted silently and set the phone down.

"So, now that you're done calling a mere four minutes after returning home from school, how was school today?" Technoblade asked. The three of the olders rotated being home when Tommy arrived. Techno was thirteen, Wilbur was sixteen, and Philza was twenty eight.

"Boring as hell!" Tommy whined. "I hate math, it fucking sucks!"

"Watch your tongue, Philza will throw a fit if you start swearing rampant like your brother." Techno scolded gently. He then handed Tommy a bowl of fruit loops silently with a spoon. "Eat up, kid, we are going to do some tutoring after this."

"Oh come on, why! I've been good!"

"You've been doing better, yeah. Phil still wants me to lend a hand."

Tommy groaned. "But-"

"No if's and's or but's. This is happening, now eat." his brother chided. Tommy rolled his eyes and scooped cereal in his mouth, taking notice to be annoyingly slow for his sibling who perched on the other side of the couch. It was a good day today because it had been decently warm, the sun shimmering on the grass that was patched up from previous events. The grass had been warm on his knees when he fell over at lunch. He had some grass burns on his knees from it.

"At lunch we played red rover, I totally forgot that it rained last night." he said, voice nasally with a small voice crack. It was purely ironic with his current sibling going through puberty.

"Did you slip?"

"Yeah, pretty bad too." Tommy mumbled, he had a scratch on his left knee. Techno chuffed and grabbed a wide band aid from the countertop and walked around the counter to where Tommy was perched on a stool.

"C'mere, runt." He said softly, twisting him so he could inspect the wound. Tommy hummed at the nickname, becoming placid in his brother's hands as he carefully placed the bandage.

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