SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 4 🤕

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TW: Suicide

"I'll see you on Tuesday!" he said, voicemail ringing through to Tubbos phone. His voice was filled with a thick amount of fake joy. He pressed the button to end the voicemail, smiling at the thought of being able to see his friend once again. You know, the world is a funny place, it has cracks and stones and vile bottles of venom that stick to the back of your throat that you just have to swallow. It has flowers and grass and fresh books that turn the page for you whenever you decide to take up life yourself. You never really know who's going to be the one that puts you in a situation that you want- no, need- to get out of. And you never know who you can call to get you out of said situation. And right now, somewhere, all Tubbo wants is for someone to help get Tommy out of this one, horrible situation. Tommy's body stung and he was stumbling through the wooded forest he and Tubbo had built their treehouse in a few years ago. He knew Tubbo would be there once he got there. He kept his hand clutched to his side, blood and gore scathing him. He hoped he at least looked cool. Maybe like he walked out of Fast and Furious's main battle, maybe like Peter Parker after Endgame or something. He would have laughed, but it hurt like shit.

How did he get here? If he was honest, the last thing he could remember clearly making sense was him and Tubbo at this blatant treehouse eight months ago. He laughed ever so deeply at the fact, trudging through the woods to the centre. He remembered building it. For some reason they ended up using a damned ramp as a ladder.

Who's stupid fucking idea was that?

Whoever's it was decided to take out the fun in the ladder aspect of the treehouse. Tommy scoffed at the prospect, only one ankle was broken on that thing. He wondered how many broken bones he had right now. He could only guess his right rib cage was damaged and wounded. It didn't bother him all that much, hand holding it steady to lessen the amount of blood that painted his fingers a bright malnourished red. As everything crumbled, one memory held himself going.

"Tommy, I'm sorry, I am so sorry.."

"Tubbo, just stay with me, okay, where are you, step away from the edge."

Tubbo had laughed sadly, sniffled. "I've done that so many times. I'm on autopilot, Tommy. Tommy, I love you- I'm so sorry..!"

"Tubbo, please listen to me, Tubbo-"

"Ranboo's gone because I was so stubborn.."

"No, he wouldn't want this, Tubbo please just stay put-" He begged, running as fast as he could through the school field to the forest miles away that he knew he couldn't get to in time.

"I wish I could see our treehouse one last time.."

"YES! Yes, yes Tubbo meet me there, we can have fun we can-"

"When I die, bury me where I land."

Tubbo was there. He was already there. "Tubbo, please, please. I need you- What am I without you?! Who am I without you?!"


And then there was a crash, and a crunch, and a scream cut short as the phone bounced off course like a football.




Tommy let out a choked cry at the memory, at the fact that after everything he had still lost the one person he had pleaded with god to keep safe. His request rang in his head, in his heart, in his veins that rushed long pent up adrenaline to make it to his destination. When I die, bury me where I land.

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