Parents Always Yelling (Telling Us To Get Our Act Together)😍 -Beeduo

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This one was fun to write, and I hope you all like it and have had a decent day, and if not I hope this makes it a little bit better :P

AN: Okay so, just a heads up, I wrote this while listening to Bad Day by Charlotte Sands and based this off of it a bit!!

Ranboo's POV

"I'm never getting better, it's not a phase!" Ranboo had yelled the other day, snapping at Technoblade. That's all he remembered and all he cared about, nuzzling into the covers of his bed. He mentally stuck out his tongue at the stuck up antics of the elder of the two. He'd been wrapped up in thoughts, imagining scenarios where techno would understand, where he could bloody talk and be heard. He wanted to win, to prove his point, to kick him when he was down. Because for some reason, being four years older makes you superior. Also a bastard, in his opinion. He managed to pry his mind to the warmth he was surrounded by, trying to ignore the spite stinging behind his eyes this morning. It was very cold today, Ranboo noted when he had first pried his eyes open that morning. The way that there were soft bits of crystallisation on the corner of their windows helped serve this observation. He sighed and felt his nose twitch at the cold sensation, dew planted across his face to add to his black and white freckles. His eyes felt heavy and his lashes thick with ice lacing them together. In all honesty, he didn't feel like waking up. The covers were warm when the outside wasn't, and once he got up he would no longer have a content happy ram nuzzling in his arms. He was warm and comforting, the way his head laid perfectly in Ranboos crook of his neck. And so Ranboo really didn't want to wake up. He nuzzled his head back into Tubbos soft, fluffy, brown hair and smiled softly.

No matter what they said to him, no matter how hard they yelled calling him a liar, a traitor for falling in love, Ranboo would just smirk at the idea he was better than them. They don't even care anyway the voices in his head hissed. "I'm never getting better, no it's not a phase!" And he likes it that way. Everyone else could spite them for being happy, and if they wanted to fight the half endermen, well all Ranboo could do was smile and accept. He inhaled his lover's scent, proud to call the perfect being he hugged close to his chest his husband. Yeah, take that, Dream! Ranboo has an adorable husband! And you? Hah, you are single! Petty? Yes. Does he care? No! Why should he?! The sun gently shone through the sides of the blinds, making the room slightly bright. It was aggitatung, but also beautiful. It had sun outside, and you would assume it would be nice out, but yet again he could see a hefty snowfall outside, the sound of the wind wrapping around their house. Almost like it was trying to cool him down. Or punish the others the voice chimed. Yes, that sounded much nicer. Ranboo pulled Tubbo up against his chest, tail coiling around him as if he could protect him from the outside world. From everything. The fluffy tuft of his tail tickled the ram hybrid's chest as the enderian let out a chirp. He could feel the younger's breaths against his own chest. A happy, utterly perfect rhythm. Ranboo matched his breaths with his.

"I had a no good, really bad, messed up day!" Tubbo had said when Jack had rolled his eyes at him.

"And I'm stressed out, super sad, not okay!" He'd spat at Jack, a bite to his words that was uncommon for him. The same bite Ranboo had had. Was Tubbo technically in a government? Fuck yeah, and he looked perfect doing it!

Ranboo smirked against his boyfriend's neck. If others couldn't appreciate him, then Ranboo would take up that job. All of their jobs, and push them all away. Adults thought they could run anything, that all the younger ones were there for was to do what they asked them too. To be their little dimwitted puppets. If only one would just listen, maybe, just hear him out here, maybe some wars would stop! Because all the world's problems? It Happens from adults! He isn't sure if their ego and sense of self entitlement and 'oh but adults can't do no wrong or be wrong against you merely imbecile children' mindset just happens when you turn twenty one, but he sure hopes not. They are hardly younger! Why is Tubbo lectured day in and day out about how he's too young and is bound to mess up, when everyone just praises Eret even when he starts wars! They do something wrong, it's okay. We do? Gosh forbid forgiveness! Ranboo hissed under his breath, smoke errating from his nostrils as he pulled Tubbo somehow closer against him, tail coiling protectively. He let out a soft huff with an edge of a growl as he vividly picked at the memories of people assaulting his husband for 'failing' at his job when Schlatt led the whole country to collapse. They're liars, the voices hissed. All crooked liars who hurt his loved one.

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