He Can Make Me Dangerous 😉-DNF Part 3-

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Okay final part! Please leave some ideas in the comments if you like! Have a wonderful day, and remember to eat something today!

TW: Fires

A dream was all this was, he was in a hazy sense of delusion. There was alot of noise. A lot of random noise, the noise sounded like sirens. It smelled like death too, and smoke. Ash. Fire. It smelled and sounded like hell just erupted in his head, and if felt like a dream. What dream could he be having that would trigger this? A nightmare? Was George okay? He inhaled, nostrils hurting. This must be a very vivid dream. He felt was hot. He felt very hot, boiling, he had a fever. He also felt like his eyes were glued shut, pasted, and crusty from being shut in the aggravated dust. Only then did he start feeling a tingling sensation in his veins, and his ribs. Honestly, it just stung against his bones. Every breath he took was oddly pressured, the air felt thick. A bit like getting a chunk of ice cream in a milkshake. He would quite like a milkshake. It would feel cold and cool off his lungs. It was silent too, though there was a blaring noise that for some reason seemed just out of his peripheral hearing. It wasn't there. There was however a dull ringing in his ears that hardly registered the shuffle next to him. Come to think of it, there was a weight by his side- something he was holding. He felt something curled up next to him, something warm-


"George!" He gasped, eyes whipping open, lashes tugging against his skin. He definitely lost some. But in all fairness he'd lose an arm to keep his love safe! He quickly twisted his body around to frantically look around despite noticing the weight at his side below him. Once he managed to shake his head a few times out of it's delirious state.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." he cursed under his breath, turning the boys bdy so he could see his face It had a few burns, and the movement was enough to prompt his eyes to slowly and strugglingly flutter open. He also let out a sneeze that made Dream jolt back for a brief moment as George winced in pain. Immediately after he was significantly closer, leaning over him. George's eyes seemed a bit red, raw even. How did he let this happen- he lost control and now he was hurt, his boyfriend was in pain on the floor because of him.

You had one fucking job! Help him!

He quickly shook his head and growled, pain in his ankles from the way he was on the floor. His mask was scattered somewhere on the floor, burnt and painted with black and brown marks. He quickly grabbed it and strapped it to the side of his head as he fumbled for what to do.

"..Hi.." George suddenly whispered. The revelation from his thoughts triggered him to quickly stand on mildly unstable legs and scoop him up bridal style, hooking his arms under the shorters legs. George offered a small yelp of surprise. George looked up at him, gravely confused as he rapidly looked around to take in the scenery around him. It wasn't a pleasant one persay. Fire was around, lava was cracked all along the floor, and the cell rods were melted and warped. And somehow, Sam wasn't here. From his best guess, he likely got hurt.

"I'm going to get you out of here." He said firmly, voice laced with ice as he narrowed his eyes. He looked around, the whole room was collapsed, there was light somewhere, it was just covered in gas. Redstone gas. He isn't sure how Sam hasn't nailed him to the headboard yet, but with limited time he knew he had to make a break for it. He placed the pad of his foot, yes he was wearing shoes, against a large rock and let out a growth, gritting his teeth as he used his strength to move it. It fell over, showing some light. A route. He grinned, taking a step and quickly noticing how unstably placed all these rocks were as they wobbled, making him jump off with a small gasp and George squirm in his hold.

"Let me down,"

"No." He said, like it was a stupid idea and it shook him that George even thought it could be a considerable option.

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