Running on 15 Liters of Gas-🤕 -Clingy Duo

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Growing up is hard, and frankly I'm terrified, but this made me feel a bit better :) Make sure you stay hydrated!!

 TW: Anxiety / Panic Attack

Tommy's POV

Honestly he knew this would be a bad idea in the end, how could it not? It was pitch black outside and Tommy was near confident in the fact that he was craving a gas station soda with a crappy hotdog from the west corner. He knew this was probably going to get him in massive trouble, but with Tubbo alsos squirming next to him the day after finals, he was slowly seeing a much stronger appeal to the situation. He could honestly say that even with the two of them rustling around and switching sides all through the night, Tommy felt completely and utterly wide awake. And by the sound of Tubbos huffs of frustration, he probably was too. His tongue felt heavy and sluggish from him being silent for so long. So when he finally willed himself to speak, it felt taught and thick.

"Hey, are you away bee boy?" He whispered, voice sounding raw and also nasaled.

"...Yeah, what's up?" He finally responded. He sounded hesitant, and honestly Tommy wished he could blame it. It was honestly completely and blatantly fair, Tommy wasn't known for being the most calm and rational person. Especially when he's been awake for hours waiting on an exam mark that makes or breaks him going to college.

Tommy felt a small smile spread on his face. Trust Tubbo to still speak up in the middle of the night at... He glanced at the clock to see the time, the numbers blaring in their blocky glory. At 1:52am. He felt more awake than he had at lunch time.

"I'm kinda craving a slushie."


"I'm kinda craving a slushie." He repeated, exactly the same tone of voice.

"..Yeah same."

"And a hotdog."

"Ah. Uhm, why?" Tubbo asked after a few moments.

"Dunno, come on." He said, lifting up his side of the bed covers and swinging his legs over the side.

"Uh, what now?" Tubbo asked, groggily sitting up in the bed.

"Dunno, come on." He repeated.

Tubbo sighed and shook his head. "Yeah I heard, what do you mean by it?"

"Well I want a slushie, and you do too. Let's go to the gas station a few blocks down." He said simply, standing up and stretching his back, hands above his head.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation." Tubbo said simply, unimpressed even as he cracked his neck to wake up.

"Dude, I don't think I understand anything." Tommy admitted. "That's why we are doing this."

Tubbo paused quietly and Tommy saw him bite his tongue in thought. Tommy rolled his eyes in annoyance and leaned down to grab his shoes, gently shaking them to make sure there were no pebbles stuck inside of them.

"..alright fine. But you're paying."

"Alright." Tommy said with a shrug. Only a few moments later the two were peaking around the door hinges down the hall to make sure everyone else was asleep. We tiptoed down the hallway, making note of every turn and pausing before every room. We didn't want to risk getting into some serious trouble. Tubbo glanced in our fathers room slowly and cautiously. As muchas Tommy hated being cautious, he knew they were better safe than sorry. Tubbo clicked his tongue and grinned. He must be asleep, perfect.

"Lessgo." He whispered quietly, the ram hybrid glancing back in acknowledgment before slowly and surely stepping towards the stairs. He reached out his hand before he let Tommy head forward, making him raise an eyebrow and humm in confusion.

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