SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 3 🤕

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"I'll see you Tuesday." Mr. Radish said firmly, voice stern as he walked outside of the room for a bit, head in his hand. Tommy was left in a bare and painful plastic chair that made his tailbone equally as pissed as he was. He stared to the side, watching the February weather before his eyes. Snow was falling down outside the windows, gently fluttering to the ground in a steady but loose and hard to follow rhythm. Roughly three would fall in the same place every time before Tommy blinked. He would know, He's been staring out these windows for two periods. Two fucking periods. Tommy had his arms crossed, staring at his reflection in the glass. One black eye with a slight cut, nose bleeding and a little bit of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. His nose looked crooked.

At least he got off worse. Tommy thought to himself, smirking with that amount of knowledge. The clock ticked behind him, the pattern getting increasingly more annoying with its repetitiveness. The room was dead quiet aside from the AC noises, the machinery driving him up the wall. His adrenalin was still running, and if that kid walked in, he wouldn't hesitate to go in for round two. He tapped his foot to the floor in rhythm with the clock, clicking his tongue softly to it. His nose had a dull ache that remained consistent and steady, honestly though Tommy couldn't give less fucks. He still wanted to go find that boy. It was a great way to start off his sophomore year. Honestly that wasn't all that sarcastic, Tommy still kept his head high. It was that sick fuck's fault for saying those things. He should have known that talking shit about Tubbo rarely ended well, the dude's lucky they got broken up. It was not Tubbo's fault he was dyslexic, and it sure as hell wasn't his fault Schlatt was an absolute dick. Leo had it coming when hefucked him up.

Some footsteps were heard and Tommy internally groaned, recognizing his fathers and oldest brothers immediately. He supposed Wilbur was out of his classes. And of course the principal's were right behind, he had a months detention and four days suspension. He could feel the waves of disappointment flying off of his family the moment they got within earshot.

"I'm sure he had a good reason."

He did.

"Doesn't matter, I'm afraid."

It should.

"Tommy's a good kid!"
So is Tubbo.

And finally they all walked in, Tommy glancing over to meet them. Wilbur stiffened, jaw clenched. He could see Philzas regret in bringing Wilbur here, he was notorious for getting into fights of his own.

"Tommy, are you okay?" He managed to grit out.

"Yeah, my nose hurts." Was all he said. Wilbur growled at that, sitting next to him. He could tell he was fighting the urge to reach over and look at it. Philza took a deep breath.

"So, what happened?"

"Tommy can tell you." Mr. Radish hummed. Bastard.

"Leo was calling Tubbo a pussy because Schlatt used to hurt him, so I beat his ass and I'd happily do it again." He spat, voice like vice. Philza's eyes widened. Wilbur looked like he was going to go find said Leo and throttle him. So his dad put a tight hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Language, Thomas."

"Tommy, and that sounds reasonable to me." Wilbur said coldly. He was completely ignored as the principal awaited Philzas response.

"It doesn't seem to warrant such an intense punishment, not as tough as Leo's for sure." He finally said.

"Violence is unacceptable, Mr...?"

"Philza." He said, cold.

"Violence sure as hell is acceptable in this sense!" Wilbur snapped. He pulled Tommy closer. "Where's Tubbo?"

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