A Paper Crown- Part One- 😍Sleepy Bois Inc

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TW: Foster System

This is an adoption AU with Royal Sleepy Bois Inc!

Tommy's POV

Tommy was born in the cool months of December in the frost bitten air, amidst a blizzard that roared like the winds of a sea-stranded hurricane. Left alone in an ash-torn, broken home he was only saved by the crib he had been laid upon. White boarded with a statle mattress, the boy had been covered in a layer of ice, skin as pale as the snow itself. He knew no family, he knew merely of the life he was brought into, his first memories appearing in an old, staged building that was miles tall to a mere five year old whom could barely read, unable to even name the browns and blacks the building wore. He grew up inside this lonesome home where children came and left as fast as a crippling wave, being washed up to just be pulled back in by the tide. He made a friend once, though he was the only friend Tommy ever made. Unlike himself, this boy would be in and out of the home repetitively, naming it down to the simple fact of a broken father and a non-present mother, the constant lying tales his father would tell to convince the attorney he was sober to simply regain custody of his war-ridden child. The boy wore memories of trauma, memories of scars and bloody bruises swirling his mind like a river twisting as it navigated to the open ocean. However one day after returning from a shattered home and a bloody home, the boy ran away with another one that was older, and never returned. He never made another friend after that.

He stayed in this home, watching those around him be picked up like treasures, leaving him and his messy mass of golden hair tangled and matted. Nobody wanted Tommy, rumours told of him being a spirit due to his scars, the way he survived the unsurvivable. People thought he was cursed, and left him to be alone. He saw familiar faces leave him behind like he was nothing but a pebble on the open road, something to stumble over before moving on as though nothing had ever happened in the first place. Tommy watched kids find homes, all while he did not.

He never felt concerned about such matters until he turned nine, overhearing the missionaries speak of how once the boy turned ten he simply could not remain at Oakridge Orphanage. How he was too old, how nobody would ever want to adopt an illiterate, non-educated ten year old by their own free will. He knew he was flawed, the home never offered any sorts of education to those it housed, assuming that once they were adopted they would be put into schooling, or had previously already gone to school. Tommy, however, was never given such luxuries. He grew up knowing nothing more than a man with a smiley face mask, the man who raised him until the age of five when he got arrested by the town's police. Supposedly, he was never to get out. The next morning, the police brought him to Oakridge to stay until he was given a home. He knew the adults were right, though what made the likelihood of him being adopted at nine any better than ten? Nothing material. He cried that night with his back pressed up against a dark oak door that splintered his back, head in his hands and knees tucked to his chest. The next morning he had woken up, a winter storm raging outside so hard that the windows creaked and groaned, the shutters flying off their hinges. The stairs croaked beneath his weight as he stepped down, to only almost being run over by a missionary who barely uttered an apology to the boy. Tommy had been ever so confused, eating his breakfast like normal before he nervously walked up to hand his plate to the dish lady before stepping behind to help her out as the oldest kid remaining. The always grateful baker offered him a smile, to which he answered with a question.

"Why is everyone running around so much?"

The baker offered him a feeble smile and sighed, saying words that left Tommy dreaded in his place-

"The king is coming with his two sons today. They plan to adopt another."

The royal family was infamous, known for their malicious smiles and theKing's golden, priceless crown. TheKing ruled with an iron fist, one that seemed impossible to avoid. His morals swayed to meet his and his sons' needs, they could do no wrong. Two twins, both fifteen years old, both unruly in completely different ways. Phil adopted them four before Tommy arrived in this town, when they were seven. The two had different upbringings than Tommy though, well-educated for their age, coming from a deceased wealthy family, only being in the orphanage for two years- two 'unbearably dreadful' years as the older twin had stated in a paper.

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