Ricotta Pancakes 😍- FoolishPonk

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Pure fluff because my tree fell this morning! Enjoy! Remember to stay hydrated :P

Foolish's POV

Foolish is a god- one of the most powerful and feared members of the SMP. Even Dream was wary of him- even Sam avoided him with caution. Everybody around him was careful; except for one person. He may be a god, but he knew damn well that he was lucky. Lucky as he was standing in his kitchen with a nice black, baggy sweater with gold hems on the collar, bottom, and sleeves. Lucky as he wore white pyjama shorts that went just above his knees, his dusty blond hair tied back in a ponytail- his black, circle rimmed glasses resting atop his nose. Lucky as he was comfortable and fond of his kitchen. Lucky that he was comfortable with somebody else upstairs. Lucky because the mere idea of the person upstairs was enough to have him currently struggling to read a cookbook on how to make the perfect ricotta pancakes. Where the fuck do I even find ricotta? Didn't matter, he would. He drew his finger across the page as he walked over to a tall cupboard the human upstairs couldn't reach and grabbed out the sugar- he already had out the rest of the ingredients. Except that fuckin' ricotta.

He groaned slightly and placed a hand to his forehead. If Dream was here he'd be laughing in his face at the fact the totem god was cursing out a type of cheese. He'd also probably laugh at the fact he was pissed over cheese due to a human who was currently peacefully asleep in his bed. And to that, all Foolish could argue was that he was lucky. So very lucky. He smiled warmly to himself as he quickly went to go grab a whisk from a drawer in the east side of the kitchen. It was mornings like these where the sun made his glasses simmer and his pale skin feel warmed and sunkissed that he realised just how lucky he really was.

Ponk had been through a lot, that much was pretty obvious. He'd had an abusive relationship with the man Foolish hated most- well now. Now Sam just knew to stay far away from the god if he wanted to keep his head. Foolish was lucky because Ponk didn't close off to him. He was lucky because Ponk gave him a chance. Foolish had fought for everything in his life. It wasn't as spoiled as you would expect for the blood god, rather quite tough. He fought against control, he fought against the egg, he fought for freedom- and then he got put in metaphorical jail. He was so used to fighting he had never been prepared for Ponk to willingly give him a chance, for Foolish to not have to fight for his affection. Ponk had been open to him even when he honestly shouldn't have been. Ponk should have been scared of him, he should have still been traumatised, and yet for some strange reason he wasn't.

People are always scared of the people who just want to help. The people who want to help are feared because they are willing to stand up for what's right.

He had said that the first night the two got alone, They had been on a ridge over a flower forest, examining the falling sun as the lush petals fluttered through the wind. His skin had been beautifully glistening and sparkling.

And people aren't scared of monsters? He had countered.

Well, of course they are. There's a difference in the fear though- between you and Dream.

He had known he was afraid of being like Dream. If course he had, Ponk had known everything about him- it's how he managed to navigate to his heart.

How so?

Well, people bow down to you and want to please you- don't want to get on your bad side. People run away from Dream. People hate him.

People hate me.

I don't.

He remembered distinctly the flutter in his chest once Ponk had said that. It made him pause for a good two minutes and click my tongue. He'd watched the birds fly above and peck at the flowers below. He remembered. He had hesitantly stood up and leaned down over the ridge and picked up a singular red rose and paused before pulling himself back up. He remembered the saliva thickly in his mouth.

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