Bloodlines Are Not For Me- Crime Boys 🤕

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Halloween adoption AU? Yes, please! Remember to stay hydrated lovelies <3

Tommy's POV

Dancing around on slippery hardwood floors, Tommy simply could not wait for the evening ahead of him. Socked feet slid across the shiny oak floors like skates on ice as he spun around towards his bedroom, a thrill laced in his veins and a bass-ridden song thrumming along his bones. Joyously he weaved through the bustling amount of children in the collective kitchen and up the stairs, two at a time, before reaching a comforting carpeted floor that slowed down his skating. Right in front of him was a hallway and four doors down on the left was his room, and giddily Tommy ran over to it and swung the door open in a grand gesture. His previous home was covered in strung and fake cobwebs with stuffed animals littered all around, a cheeky grin on his face as he scooped up his blanket and gave it a quick snuggle in his arms before tossing it into his bag. He spun around on his feet as he looked at himself in the mirror, a sheepish smile contrary to his costume. Tall, pointed ears lay atop his head with russet brown fur inside and brown on the exterior, the headband black and matching his reddish hair. A similarly toned tail was on his tail bone with a black tip as well as some fingerless gloves while he wore a red kilted shirt with black leggings and shorts on top.

"Rawr?" It lacked threat, but it still made Tommy smile wildey. Today was likely the best day of his life- ignoring the kids not so lucky downstairs. It was not only his favourite holiday, but also the day where he finds a home- finds a family. He still had a while before the people arrived, so he looked around his room for one last time, trying to force his smile not to falter as he recognized he would never see this place again. Comfortable bunk beds were stacked ontop of eachother, his comfy bed the bottom bunk and his roommates the top. A small windowsill was opposite of the beds, the ledge a great place to sit and study whenever the desk wasn't your first pick. Said desk was lengthy and compact with a candle lit on the two corners, books stacked in the corner, the same maroon colour of the iron light fixture above his head in the centre of the room. Leaves were scattered outside of the window like an abstract painting he noted as he leaned over the side, startled by the sudden opening of the door. He bounded over anxiously, smiling when he saw a recognizable face. A third eye painted on top with antennas, the only obvious change of him, sprouting from his black hair.

"Hi, Wilbur."


Tommy stood there subtly before he walked over and sat on his bed, eyes open expectantly.

"So..Are you excited to go?"

Tommy blinked, once then twice, then thrice. He hadn't expected quite a question. "I think so." He said, not confident anymore- not as confident as he had been when he opened the door. "I'm not sure."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow; "Why not? You have what I've always wanted. You have a home now."

"I know, I know. I still feel... I don't know. It's weird."

"A good weird or a bad weird?"

"Both. I'm happy I have a home but I also...I'm leaving the home I have always had," He swallowed softly, "I don't know what's out there or what will happen when I leave. It's going to be different." Tommy shifted his ears back atop his head as they slid, absentminded to the fond smile Wilbur gave him. He came over and sat next to Tommy, wrapping an arm gently around his side as he adjusted the ears to centre.

"Change is good sometimes, Toms. I'm...I'm happy for you. I mean that too- I'm not saying that to guilt you. You have been here just as long as me, you deserve a home. The people are lovely, too. You'll be happy, and I will be too."

"...I want to take you with me." Wilbur let out a small snort, "What?" Tommy whined.

"No way. I'm happy being in charge here, I'll find my home one day."

Tommy looked down, biting his cheek, "Can I make a Halloween wish?"

"A what now?"

"A Halloween wish."

"That is not a thing."

"It is not because I said so, can I make one?"

Wilbur pondered the idea briefly, pulling Tommy closer to his side as he hummed. "...Sure."

Tommy smiled softly and stood up, ignoring Wilbur's huff, "I wish that you get a family before I turn fourteen." his voice was determined as it trailed off at the end, watching is friend closely as he smiled sadly.

"That gives me four months, kiddo.."

"I know. I want it to happen."

Realistically they knew it wouldn't, Wilbur was seventeen- nobody would adopt him for only eighth months, it made no sense to adopt a child just to be responsible to pay for their college. Nonetheless the two still hoped, if Tommy got adopted at thirteen Wilbur could at seventeen. He had to. He looked down solemnly, initial smile completely faded.

Purposefully Wilbur stood up and cleared his throat, "Enough wallowing. Let's make one last high in the kitchen before you leave." he declared, pulling Tommy along with him out the door and gently tossing him down the stairs, his socks making him bounce down them and skid out at the bottom. He let out a gentle yelp as he processed the whole ordeal apologising profusely to the maid who looked him up and down with a smile.

"No need to apologise for this, little wolf." she hummed softly, scuffing up his hair as Wilbur smiled, nodding respectfully to the lady before she walked away. The two walked through the bustling room to the kitchen in the corner, smiling up at the lunch lady. She looked the two scoundrills up and down and rolled his eyes,

"Ya should be workin' for me at this rate, Wil!"

Wilbur let out a hearty laugh, "One day soon, I won't have this rascal around to consume my workload for much longer." He said affectionately, rubbing circles in Tommy's back.

The lunch lady smiled down at him and motioned for him to put out his hands, which he did sceptically- expecting a spider to be placed in them to fit with the mass of foam cobwebs and jack o'lanterns all around the floor. Instead he got a heap of candy, mouth gaping slightly as he anxiously tried to hand some back to no avail.

"No no, take it Tommy. As a farewell gift from dear old Hannah, yeah?" her smile seemed sad, so Tommy forced a smile to counteract.

"Thank you."

Hannah just smiled and pushed him away, hand on the small of his back as he stumbled forward into the main room to stop dead when he entered, feeling Wilbur's presence close but so far. Surely enough were two women standing in the middle with the headmaster opposing them.

"...Mums..?" He asked weekly. Puffy and Nihachu stood in the centre of the room. The two were dressed up, one as Red Riding Hood with a majestic red cape and medieval-esque dress with a basket, and the other as the Big Bad Wolf with grey and black features. Tommy looked truly like their son. He smiled weekly when he saw them, biting back tears as his nails dug into his palms.

"Hey there, kiddo."

He opened his mouth before closing it in disbelief. He knew this was happening, but it stunned him nonetheless. He spin and gave Wilbur a massive hug, stumbling as he returned it with more gression than he expected.

"I'll send you letters, we can face time, we'll stay in touch I promise." He whispered in Tommy's ear. He pulled away with a wet smile as Tommy sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve. He turned to face his new family with a warm smile, sniffling with a rudolph red nose. The two looked at him fondly, one tearing up themselves- the wolf.

"Ready to come home, Tommy?"

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