In Memory of A Hero- A Technoblade Tribute

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In memory of someone who stuck with me and many others through years of content and ups and down. In memory of a hero. We salute you. o7


One day, a certain member of the server didn't go home. He didn't get the chance.

The cold itched and sparked at the skin of many, freezing salty water before they finished their journey to the ground. Venom seemed to have been spat at the eyes of thirty two people, creatures alike. His legacy lay thick in the air, a tale that was none of a fairies, but a legend instead. One that was filled with blood, love, wins, losts, fights, hugs, and memories that shall never be forgotten. A story book full of blank pages that will never get the chance to be filled by himself, but rather others as they spread his life world wide. That would be in the future, but at the moment, the server was full of unsettled news and questions to be left unanswered.

Trees held onto their leaves that day, despite the cold air surrounding his home. The sounds of remorse and nothing was all that was heard across the blank slate of land that had craters full of blood shed and buildings barely standing tall. The server was silent with nothing left to say. Nobody knew what to say, nobody had anything to mention. Today on the Dream SMP, a legend passed away. Not from the kind of heroic battle they deserved, but rather a story that while it will still be told for years to come, was not nearly as destructive and rambunxious as his character called for. Over the snowy biome where the blood god once resided was crows swirling in circles, all searching for someone who could no longer be found. The wind avoided his home in hopes of keeping him warm. The trees whispered their grieves as the fellow members of this war-ridden server collectively agreed on peace for one, sorrowful day. They put aside their rivalries to keep each other there, they stuck by each other and relished those in acknowledgment that you never know when they may not be here next.

A small boy who was once nicknamed a raccoon and a tall brunette that had already seen death together held on to one another in memory, sitting on the steps of the passed cabin. The snow would tickle their noses and they held onto each other in plead for warmth as the silence held them together. The absence of one they loved tied them by the hip, and forever and always it would. Miles away the ice would crunch in pain as a happy-masked man and an aspiring king held hands as they took in their moments together. Having been hiding away from one another for so long, now realising what they have left behind. The two men who vowed to their power cried together as they held on for dear life to one another. On the opposite side of the server a man full of feathered stories and a reminiscing green and white striped bucket hat laid on his knees by his front porch. He would have his head down to talk to his wife in desperate but accepting pleas to bring his loved one back. A tall demon and a small diamond loving man sat together, tails curled together as they sat in silence, sniffling as the news refused to settle right with them. Far away a god himself was drawing out a plan with his mother and her wife on a statue made in the honour of the fallen. They were close together after being so far.

The wind whispered memories and grief of the vigilante who wanted the best. It spoke of how he valued his family so dearly, how he wished he had a chance to see them once more. It talked of whom the god praised and whom the god wished to have met. And while loving him was never a losing game, the stories being told in past tense would leave many broken souls behind. Hearts were scattered across the floor, pieces broken and sharp, but lethal strong. The trees hushed the crying boy with stubby goat horns and burns trailing down his skin as a ruler of many held him close to their side. The question of what was worth fighting for was answered quite simply that day. You fight for the ones you love and live for those who spite you, and finally the selfless god gave into himself and let the pain float away. He let himself go on to another life, one where he would scoff upon those below him when they would come across his memorial and bow down to it in years to come. He would laugh in sorrow and beg to hold those who wept over his last breath, but he would be happy and restful.

A small fox hybrid would approach the two sitting on the cabins steps, ears flat and tail twitching. He would sit on the other side of the brunette and carefully cherish the moments he had. All sounds of fighting and bickering and war were absent on this day. All there was to hear was the faint sound of sobs across the vast landscape, and the heavy noise of nothing. The heavy noise of families slowly repairing, and friendships slowly restoring. The sound of the blood god sitting on his throne that he worked so hard to deserve as he took his mask down from his face one final time and cracked a smile. The sound of nothing needing to be said, but everything being done. The final act the blood god had done before he took his leave.

"Stay together for me." he whispered above.

A small blond boy with a new pink bandana looked up to the sky, dark and blank, open for so many possible stories and forced a sad smile, salty tears washing into his mouth. Nobody was there to call him Theseus when he was scared, to take him in when there was nobody else to turn to, to protect him from his own faults. But now he knew he had to do it himself, so his life wasn't in vain. And while he was the soul member to say it right then, he spoke for everyone.

"Thank you, Technoblade."

Thank you. For everything.

Rest well, king.

- AN: Technoblade, you made an impact on so many people. You fought so hard, you deserve to be able to rest. I remember watching you play roblox as a kid, then getting back into your content through the dream smp. You were always there to make people laugh, smile, you were always there. You deserved to watch your fan base grow further, you deserved a longer life. You achieved so much while you were with us. Your memory will never die, it will always be with us. Thankyou for everything you have done, now you can rest knowing just how much you helped millions of people. You left your mark, and you left a good one. I hope god hesitates before sending you to wherever you go. Just like you asked. I hope you aren't scoffing at all of us for making sappy words, but I hope you are happy and well. You will be missed, and remembered, and honoured.

Thank you, Technoblade. Thank you. Sincerely, just one of your many voices.

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