Antfrost & Ponk-😍Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road (Pt.3)

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The third part of this story! It's meant to be five parts, so if you can please leave suggestions for the next character I write about! I'm thinking Callahan but I'm not sure. Anyway I banged this part out in one sitting so I hope it stands well! As usual, take care of yourself and stay hydrated! If you ever need to chat, lemme know :)

TW: Mentioned bullying (not graphic, more toxic friends that are mentioned)

Bushes and Bruises- Antfrost

"You literal mass piece of shit!" Ponk cried out, hands on his knees and his hair dripping water onto the ground. The curls that typically bounced along his head were dragged down with the added weight of the river water. Despite his soaked clothes and a long cut along the back of his leg that bled slightly, he still had a fond, cheeky smile playing on his lips. Beside him, Alyssa is cackling, and on the other side of him Sam is fretting his eyes out in concern. He's kneeled down, examining his injured leg, while also having his tail swish around in concern. "I'm- I'm okay, Sammy."

"Just let me bandage it."


"Not taking criticism." He said, putting a hand up in defense before getting back to work. Ponk rolled his eyes fondly.

"Okay, ha-ha, happy April Fools, are you done yet so I can go home?" he asked, a smile tugging at his cheeks, his muscles hurting from laughing.

"Yeah yeah, we're done. You can go home to your lame life with your lame cat." Dream hummed, taking a final tease at him. Ponk took a step forward in retaliation,

"Ponk, stay still." Sam hushed.

He groaned, but complied. "Never insult my lovely cat again. Next time I will let West take you out!"

"I don't date cats."

"DREAM-" Ponk swore, laughing again as even Sam let out a snort. After a few minutes of throwing back and forth insults while Karl and George played on a swing set despite being far past their prime to do so, Sam finished bandaging.

"Okay, you can go home now Ponkie."

"Finally, away from you arses." He scoffed. "Well, all but you." He added, helping Sam up and giving him a fond kiss on the cheek. He smiled, eyes flickering lightly as a green flush played on his cheeks. "I'll see you for our date tonight, yeah?"

"I'll pick you up at six pm sharp, or 18 o'clock as you sometimes say." He hummed, pointedly at the fox hybrid not so far away.

"Fuck off!"

Ponk chuckled, and locked back, flexing his knee to make sure the bandages would stay. "Thanks for cleaning it, see ya guys!"

"Bye!" Alyssa chimed. Dream added an annoyable 'see you around shortass' while Fundy, George, and Karl all bid farewell with a wave and a smile.

Ponk waved back before turning on his heel. To his disadvantage, the sun was directly in his eyes now, blinding him of a fair lot of scenery. However, beggars can't be choosers, he did ask to meet up in the day this time as he had a date tonight. Sam relayed the same message, just with more of a demand to it. It was exceptionally warm today for spring on the server, around twenty seven degrees Celsius. So pretty hot for him. Back in his old town he was used to either having freezing below zero temperatures, or scolding hot ones that left him sore with a nasty sunburn despite his skin tone. He didn't remember much of his old home now, despite it only being two and a half years ago since he left. It was as though he had slowly let those not-so-pleasant memories disintegrate into the clouds. He had better memories to replace them now. No more hiding behind worn down farm fences, no more hopping drug store countertops just to get a loaf of bread, no more sleeping under a pitched up tent with a stranger when it was raining. Now he never had to hide from violence, he had all the food he needed (and more due to Sam and Alyssa's determination) and he had a lovely home that never blew away in the wind. Running away at fifteen was quite the opposite of easy peasy lemon squeezy, but he had made it work. Sure it hadn't been easy, but it was full of lemons. Lemons and friends. Sometimes he ponders if he misses his old home, wonders if he didn't give it enough chances. Reality was he had given it more than enough chances. War was terrifying and dirty, it was never played fair. Here, there were no wars, no violence. No single person who rocked the boat that made it sink. It was home here. And having a home was not something he was used to.

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