❤️❤️Not A Chapter- 200 READS?! ❤️❤️

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Holy shit-

200 reads on this mess? Ngl I bet a lot are me re-reading and checking for errors bUT it's a milestone nonetheless! I adore every single person who reads this!! Thank you all so much! To everyone reading these one-shots, thank you so much- you honestly let me know I'm not half bad at writing lmao. I have zero comments on this story at the moment, but to anyone who does in the future thank you! I love all feedback!! Also, a shoutout to my beta reader and editor, ily so much, and thanks for putting up with my...treacherous spelling!

Like before feel free to leave requests down below in the comments!

I have a DNF one-shot coming up next by the way! I'm a bit sick right now so it might take a little bit, but it's over halfway done so it will be uploaded soon enough, I promise!

Once again, have an amazing day my lovely's!! Remember to look after yourself <3

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