A Paper Crown- Part Two 😍 Sleepy Bois Inc.

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The wind seemed to be screaming a chorus of words, swearing like a sailor- the wind seemed angry. This storm was eerily familiar to the one he was born in, a cold chill having settled in his bones from the moment he woke up. The younger twin's trench coat was wrapped around his shoulders as he leached off of his warmth. Snow bustled around as if it was a race to the ground, and if the horse wasn't spelled to know the way to the castle he would be afraid they would for sure crash. The cold wasn't simply cold, it was harsh and sharp, it seemed evil in a way. Frozen emotions that had nothing more than spite coursing through the coldest winter months left houses buckled down and markets with only mountain peaks of snow for sale. For some reason though, Tommy did not feel afraid of the blizzard this time- this time he knew he would be safe. The royal family was notorious for their way of hierarchy, and weather somehow still managed to be below them.

Adopted was not a word Tommy was personally all that familiar with. He had been led on for disappointment his whole life, for ages warned of a high probability he would become possibly completely homeless at the age of ten. Only had one foster family ever shown an interest in him, and yet he was sent back two months later when his foster parents were ordered to move for work purposes. His mothers had been named Puffy and Nihachu, two kind ladies who had spotted him stealing bread off the baker's market. After weeks of Niki leaving out a loaf of bread in the same spot, despite knowing that Tommy stole it every time. One day he eventually got to speak to the baker, on a cool fall day in September when the wind had been cool but the sun had been warm. He remembered it well, a loose conversation that Tommy simply could not stear from the pirates hands, unable to deny his truth of where he came from for long. When the two had showed up they could only afford to foster home him in hopes that someone would come adopt him officially soon, and what was meant to be a five month residence got cut short when Puffy was ordered to sail back to the Eggpire on short notice. Nihachu had been torn between her nefound son and her wife, but the decision was made for her when Oakridge deemed the younger of the two not fit to raise a child alone, taking Tommy back far away from the pair. He never got to contact them again, but he could still remember the warm night light above his bed and all the books stacked on his bedside table that they read to him. The books he learned to read with Puffy and the warm breakfasts Niki made with him every morning when Puffy was at work.

He wondered if they still thought of him.

This carriage really needs a window to look out of as you contemplate. Even if it was just the bustling busy snow whipping past and the trees swaying in the wind, it would be something. Staring at the curtains seemed peculiarly unnatural. Not to mention he had no idea where they were, barely aware of his current situation aside from the hand rubbing up and down the side of his arm.

He squirmed anxiously in the backseat of the carriage, pulled tightly up against Wilburs side for warmth. Wilbur- the name was hard to pronounce for him, hence why he hadn't said it yet. Tommy looked around, finally looking up from Henry- the moobloom- tucked against his chest. He had yet to notice the peculiar nature of this carriage, not what rumours whispered, not what he had expected either. It shielded them from the hoarse wind that seemed to be trying to pull him back, though it still left a damp smell and a coolness inside. The drapes on either side were black with gold and silver accents dancing across the fabric. The top was rounded off in a slight dome, allowing enough space for both boys to sit with ease. Small curtains blacked teh full view of the King across from them, though Tommy could still see his full face with ease, and the way his hands neatly folded on his lap. The faint repetitive crunch of wooden wheels on snow was the only thing that kept him from falling into a peaceful sleep against the boy who held him like a prized possession.

"Are we almost th-there...?" Tommy asked, voice quiet enough the snowflakes could have drowned it out had the snow been overhead. Somehow all of them heard him and jumped to respond, the father chuckling as the two boys squabled over each other until eventually Wilbur shut himself up at Technoblades low growl. When Tommy looked over at him from the noise, the faint glow of his crimson eyes did not go unnoticed, however he made no comment. Something seemed off about this family from the start, and he was yet to discover if that was a bad thing or not for himself.

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