❤️ Update ❤️

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This oneshot book will be continuing, but there is going to be a break before I post again in light of recent news. Tecnoblade was a streamer I have watched for almost seven years, and his loss pains me. Writing right now is ripping off a scab on a fresh wound, and I want to be able to process it before I continue. The Techno Ponk oneshot will be changed to Foolish and Ponk out of respect for his wished and taken down until I do so. If anyone needs to talk, my messages are always open on Discord and on Wattpad. I will continue writing, but after a break, and I am not sure If I will be writing Technoblade himself for quite a while. I'm not sure how long this break will be, maybe only a week, maybe four, but I do intend fully to return within a month at the severe most. 

I do want to say thank you for 700 reads as well, I appreciate every single one of my viewers to the core. You allow me to experiment and explore my writing and art to a whole new level than before. The last oneshot I wrote was a tribute to Technoblade himself, and I cried while writing it, as did my beta reader. He deserves to be able to rest calmly now and scoff at us for being so shaken by the news.

He will be missed, but loved. Go take on the world, Techno. We will be right behinde you all the way <3

As always, you can request regarding the boundaries I set above.
Discord: Kricket#7926

Stay hydrated and make sure you eat and take care of yourself. It will be okay. Love you all ❤️

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