Red Bandana🤕😍- Sleepy Bois Inc.

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I hope you are all having a lovely day, and if not, I hope this one shot improves it a little <3. Also the drawing is mine (as usual) and is some c!Ponk genderfluid pride! No heavy TW, though an anxiety attack is described. 

Tommy's POV

In retrospect, this was probably not the best situation to be caught in. Particularly when you just managed to move back in with your older brother and now you appear to be snooping around in his basement. "This isn't what it looks like, I swear! Okay ... it's kind of what it looks like, but just give me a chance to explain." Tommy said, hanging upside down on a ladder, one leg and arm dangling while the other two held him to the wooden planks. It was nighttime and Tommy had dried, reddish eyes. His hands hurt from his scramble to try and get back up the ladder when he heard the patter of a piglin hybrid's footsteps. His blond hair was tassled, though clean and conditioned, and his eyes were wide as Technoblade stood in the centre of the dark room, arms crossed, hair tied back. He had one foot a bit in front of the other, eyebrow raised and glasses perched on the protruding bridge of his nose.

Tommy sniffled slightly, the silence making his hand shake a little, his grip on the bar weakening as his hands sweated in nerves. His hands felt hot and slimy, and he refused to blink. He just watched. Techno looked him up and down in one fell swoop before sighing and pulling his leg back in to be level with the other.

"...Get down before you hurt yourself," he said eventually.

Tommy blinked once, then twice. He gripped the ladder tighter, knuckles going white, and stared at his brother. Technoblade rolled his eyes and walked forward, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's middle and prying him from the wood, holding him bridal style. He looked down at the blond, taking a moment to observe. Tommy had a crooked smile on his face, he was bruised a bit. He looked so drawn out.

"..Hey there, boss man."

Techno narrowed his eyes and set Tommy down in front of him, placing his arms on his shoulders. Tommy swallowed, matching Technos eyes with his own. They were silent for a few minutes, the older of the two watching intently. Tommy sniffled again, coming up to wipe his nose with his sweater sleeve. It was quite late, at least past midnight, and the only light illuminating the cobblestone-ridden room was the torches placed randomly on the walls. It gave Techno's red eyes a warm glow, his light pink hair seeming summerly. It softened the features of the typically terrifying individual. It made Tommy be able to look past his exterior and see his brother. It also provided a vague sembalinse of warmth as the teen felt the goosebumps along his own legs and arms. After a moment Technoblade removed his hands from the boys boney shoulders and let out a breathy, tired, hum.

"So, why were you down here?"


Tommy winced. He wished he had a valid excuse, some random exploit of forgetting something, or dropping something, or even just being curious. Ashamabley, none of those were the case. He looked down at the tiled floor, swinging his feet around against the floor. His shoes left small prints against the thin layer of dust. In truth, he had a stupid nightmare. One of Dream- an axe ringing right beside his ear as he breathed, begging for mercy. He mumbled under his breath, Technblade unable to hear.


He closed his eyes and looked at the ground.

"Nightmare!" he snapped, crossing his arms and looking to his right. He knew it looked pathetic, he was just staring at some old dusty wooden swords from the older's first days on the server, but it was better than looking him in the eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to veer his mind away from remembering the treacherous slumber. Every time he led it off the track, it seemed to swerve right back. His throat stung and he squinted his eyes slightly. He was in pyjama bottoms, red plaid, and a black hoodie. A black hoodie that was honestly too big for him and belonged to Wilbur years ago. The thought only made the sting hurt worse. There was a soft blur in the corner of his eyes, and for a second Tommy was positive he was crying, until he realised the blur was red. He raised his eyebrow and shifted his gaze to the corner of his eye for a bit, before fully turning his head. Techno didn't say anything, but in his hand was a red cloth that made his eyes widen and arms unfold.

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