Would You Still🤕 -Awesamponk

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Enjoy this dose of reality for Sam, have a great day you peeps!

Ponk's POV

Dream's standing in his house. He's standing in his kitchen, leaning up against the countertop next to the sink with a cup of coffee. Dream is in his house. And he was also in his house. The server's most dangerous person is standing in his house, sipping coffee.

"Do you have some milk? Sugar, maybe?"

Ponk felt like he was going to pass out any second now. He doesn't even have his mask on, meaning Dream has now officially seen his face before even Foolish has. And honestly, he had no idea how to feel- because the last time he had someone stand like this in his kitchen it had been very different.

"Morning, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me! I'll be fine, Sam, don't look at me like that."

"In my defence I'm not so sure you would tell me if you weren't okay."

"Sam, things happen. This is not the first time I've been hurt, and it won't be the last- and that's okay. Everyone has gone through something, and I 'll be fine with time."

"Ponk, you were bleeding."

"So were you."

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course, Sammy, what kind of question-"

"If I asked you to run away with me, would you?"


That day it had been warm that day, the sun had made his body feel oddly calm and soothed. The sun had poked through the blinds causing Sam's face to be illuminated in bright stripes. It had been a day where every lemon tree outside shone and the lemons had glistening sparkes along their warm, yellow flesh. That day had been a good day, and one of the last ones he ever got. "You...you need to leave, Dream." was all he could manage.

If I asked you to run away...

"You know better than to tell me what to do, human."

Would you...

"You shouldn't b-be, uh, here.."


"It was never always, was it Ponk. For Sam, it was never always."

Do you trust me?

"It was at one point."

After all I've done for you, Sam?

"But now?"
Do you trust me?

"Not anymore."

"Where's the milk, Ponk?"

He stood there for a few minutes, taking a deep, shaking breath. "In the fridge door. I-...I'll be right back. Don't leave."

"I'm not going anywhere, Ponkie."

He walked over to his stairs and ran up them, two at a time, ignoring the creek he awaited on the third from the top stair. It had gotten cracked when Ponk had dropped some obsidian on it by accident when he was helping Foolish. He reached his room and examined the prosthetic that he had painted with Tommy a while back. It was an overlapping line pattern of red, yellow, orange, whte, and black- like bandages. He smiled softly at it. He gently put on a sock-like fabric over the 'nub' and did the same thing with a lining sock and the nylon fabric for comfort. This went up close to his shoulder before he placed the arm over top, letting the hardly there to acknowledge strap rest on his bare shoulder. Then he quickly put on a black T-shirt and continued to wear his red and black plaid pyjama pants. They were comfy, and if he was going to be dealing with Dream for now, he was going to be comfy.

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