SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 2 🤕

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"Are you excited for Tuesday, Tub's?" Tommy asked, smiling as he walked with his best friend down to their home. Tubbo giggled shiningly, brushing hair out of his face and showing his scars.

"Yeah, I can't wait to be thirteen! It's going to be awesome, Tommy! Then we will be thirteen together!" he exclaimed. It was summer now, and it was a beautiful day for the two to be discussing this. Their cheeks were kissed by the sun as the sidewalk shone that oddly comforting yellow tinted cement colour that radiated nostalgia and warmth. The sun highlighted Tubbos' features beautifully, Tommy thought. It made him look so much more happy and safe. Tommy was eleven when he realised the weight of what had happened that fall date when he was nine, the fateful day Tubbo had been crying on their doorstep with nowhere else to go. To this day it left a raw ache in his heart that Tubbo had to go through that. The next time he saw Schlatt, Phil had to hold all three of the siblings from killing him. Philza himself had had a stiff warning with the man and made it clear Tubbo was no longer to be under Schlatts protection. He was no longer Tubbos' legal guardian, Philza was. He remembered the court day.

"On this day, is it true that Tubbo showed up with cuts across his body, Philza?" The juror asked.

"He showed up with glass lodged in his left eye, he still cannot see out of it, your honour." he'd respondded, face unnervingly still. Wilbur stood next to him, eyes filled with vile hatred.

"Tubbo, did you feel safe with J Schlatt?"

"Of course he did!" Schlatt had intercepted. Techno spat down at him, anger swirling in his red eyes, those livid red eyes. Tommy clutched his friend close to him.

"That is not for you to answer, respectfully."

Tubbo had shook his hands, Tommy never once let go. His breaths were slow as the world seemed to go into reverb around them. It slowed as Tommy sat there. Everything went slow around him too, his own heart rate, the way his father blinked before him, the vague wind from Schlatt's flailing arms. It all went slow.

"No, I did not."

Wilbur almost launched himself at Schlatt when he took a step closer. Phin had to grab him despite the younger's immense violent struggling and glares. The judge cleared her throat, not seeming all that agitated by Wilburs antics as Techno stood stoically still.

Tommy held Tubbo behind him.

Schlatt spat things that day, things that would last forever and he knew it. He'd told Tubbo how he felt, what he thought would get him to get to keep his child to himself, to torture for the future. Tommy hated Schlatt.

"That is quite enough. Custody of this child goes to Philza Minecraft, I have seen enough evidence. Court dismissed. Schlatt, your charges will be scheduled at a later date. The rest of you can put this behind yourselves."

And Tommy hugged Tubbo like he could never risk letting go.

Tubbo was his brother after all.

He wrapped an arm around Tubbo tightly as he glanced down at his phone, he'd been avoiding a message all day.

Ranboo: So, when's Tubbos party?

Tommy liked the dude, he swore he liked him, he just..didn't want Tubbo to get too close. Not after Schlatt. If Tubbo got hurt again, it would be Tommy's fault. He wasn't going to let him get hurt again. Only a year ago Tommy had blood on his hands from Tubbo, wiping his tears as he tried to explain that, no, just because Schlatt didn't want him that Tommy didn't either. Now he had Tubbo by his side to take care of, to make sure that he's okay.

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