Drowning With You 🤕😀 -ClingyDuo

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Ranboo Lore Go Brrrrr

Tubbo's POV

It was a special day today, it was Tubbo and his husband's anniversary. Their first one, too. It was a big deal. He pulled on his boots at the front door of our house, kneeling on the foot mat in front of the door. He pulled on his hoodie and took a deep breath. Today was a special day today. He grabbed the flowers off the cupboard head that was next to the contract as he stood up. He examined the yellow flowers and grabbed an umbrella. His husband couldn't go out in the rain, he was an enderman hybrid. He stopped before he opened the door and took a shaky breath before he collapsed against it, sinking to the floor as he held the flowers in a vice-like grip. He had already tried to exit three times, his hair soaking wet as every time he ran back inside.

He wasn't ready to visit his grave yet.

His phone rang beside me with a text. He glanced at it and opened the message.

Tommy whispers to you: Hey, you doing okay?

He put his phone back down, looking away as he placed it face down. He couldn't handle it. He put his face in his hands that were covered by his sweater sleeves and whipped the sniffling from his nose. Then, his phone began ringing. Tommy was a persistent kid wasn't he.

Tommy whispers to you: Tubbo, pick up.

He sighed, swallowing back his tears. He picked up begrudgingly.

"Tommy." he croaked, voice raw and sore, painful.

"Tubbo, let me come get you, please let me." He begged quietly, voice ringing out through his phone.

"Tommy.." he managed.

"Tubbo, please. Please. Let me come get you, I'm not leaving you alone today."


"I'm coming over."

He sighed deeply and realised he had no chance to reason with him. "Fine..." he croaked.

"Thank You. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Stay put, please."

He sounded desperate and concerned. If he was able to, he'd be holding onto his wrists.

"Okay, Tommy.." he whispered.

"Okay. Good,"

And then he ended the call. He sat there limply. When did it all go so wrong? Well, I'd never get the chance to know. He didn't want the chance to know.

He picked up a small hat that lay on the ground. It was a dark wheat colour, it was cold. It still had the faint hairs of the piglin boy. His son. Micheals old hat he wore as Tubbo led him around Snowchester, the hat that Ranboo had bought of Niki solely for him. The last thing he was holding on to. It was all my fault.

Hey, I am currently going through the five stages of grief, so please be mindful. On that note, where the fuck is my child?

Michael was gone. My husband was gone. Ranboo.. was gone. And Tubbo was trying his best not to lose himself along with it, but holding onto a wearing down branch gets tiring, and he's starting to not want to keep trying. A competition he cannot win.

Who am I without you?


He silently took off his shoes, they were damp from all his previous attempts. So was his hair, his hoodie, his overalls. He'd tried to dress up even the slightest for Ranboo, the endermen had always been so overdressed. He felt like it was a waste of time. Black overalls, a white long sleeve underneath, mustard yellow hoodie, tall white socks. Ranboo loved him in yellow. Tubbo loved Ranboo alive. His whole world had shattered to pieces a mere few months ago, and he couldn't keep crawling for the pieces. They cut his hands, making him bleed until his vision morphed together with a dream and a nightmare. He sat on the mat, hands scratching against the raw material. I looked down at the ground, placing his hands on his folded knees as his heels held up his back. He let out a trembling sigh as his head fell down limply, tears welling up in his eyes.

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