He Can Make Me Dangerous- 😶‍🌫️DNF Part 2-

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I- this is so much longer than I expected, and yet again changed paths- we're gonna need a part three. I don't even know how this keeps getting longer, but it does, so enjoy you're second part as I do this! Have a wonderful day my lovelies!! 

TW: Mentioned psychosis? Kinda?

Dream's POV

Dream jolted awake from his thoughts, whipping his head to face the familiar voice. He did it so fast he felt mildly dizzy afterwards. His brain seemed to glitch for a second in desire to find him, he probably looked like a rabid cat for a second. Once he located where the comforting honeydew sound came from, he felt his breath hitch in the back of his throat. Because there he was, there he...was. He opened his mouth to say something, anything but standing there looking dumbfounded, but Sam got to it first.

"I'm trusting you in here, George. I shouldn't, but I am. Don't make me have to lock you in here too." He said, voice lowered in the way he did to make it sound intimidating. George merely smirked and rolled his eyes, making Dream grin behind the mask. George was his best friend, of course he wouldn't be intimidated by Sam.

"Your precious ego is adorable, but don't get your hackles up. I'm not going to cause any chaos today."


"I can't tell the future, Sam." He responded, straightening his back. Dream's gaze was caught on him. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to move it away. Some smoke made its way past the tallest of the three's gas mask as he looked down on George, who merely watched Dream closely. Like he was waiting for something. Dream narrowed his eyes at Sam, standing stoically still. He didn't appear to be moving.

"Well, as much as I just adore-" he drawled, tilting his head to the right, swinging his foot in a circle around his other leg and back, "-your company, I think it's time you leave." he finished, relishing the way George flashed a smile at him when he made his point clear by taking a step forward. He saw Sam pause, like he was conflicted. And Dream was rapidly losing his patience.

"Sam." He warned, voice rumbling slightly as he walked in front of the Warden. "I think it's time for you to go."

Sam's stare grew cold, but he eventually convinced himself to leave. The lava rose, and before they knew it it was just them in the cell.

He eventually broke the silence. "You came."

"No, really?"

He held back a snort, trust George to not act any differently now than before they were in this prison.

"I apologise for the circumstances." He said simply, gesturing around the room. George just chuckled,

"Please, we've met in worse." He said, walking over to him. He forgot he was taller than George by roughly five inches. He honestly forgot a lot of things. He reached up and gently brushed his hand over the brunette's cheek. He admired the vague freckles left there, all the scars, the way his lips were parted slightly as he took some breaths. His nose must be stuffed up from the redstone dust.

"I missed you."

Geaorge smiled and went on his toes, shifting Dreams mask to the side, gently pressing a kiss on his mouth. Dream nearly squealed like a sixteen year old girl. He raised his hands to gently hold the shorter face as he smiled, returning the favour.

"Well hello there."

"You act like you weren't going too. Plus you were taking your time, I don't have forever." he mocked. Dream wheezed a bit at that, he always wheezes when he laughed. According to Sam it sounded like a tea kettle that scorched his ears. That made him wheeze again, it's a vicious loop. He leaned down slightly and kissed him again, this time prepared enough to focus on just that. Just George.

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