AwesamPonk 😍-Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road - (Pt 2)

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I'm back! Slower updates, but I'm not going anywhere. Stay hydrated and take care of yourselves guys! Without further ado, I present to you part two of Why I Walk Down A Broken Brick Road. Sam's part. Art by me!

Sam- Let's Light Up Some Sparks

Grass tickled his feet in a way that grounded him. The sensation tingled, but it also was alerting. It let him know that he was, infact, real. It reminded him he wasn't invincible, and yet he was still here despite that. It reminded him he was alive. It was late at night, later than normal for Ponk to be roaming about outside. He wasn't scared though, he knew that someone was keeping an eye out for him. The same person he was heading out to meet- the person that without a doubt was always watching from afar. He smiled softly at the thought of them, having a slight bounce in his step. He stepped over a twig, not wanting to disturb the calm, perfect atmosphere of the summer night air. Summer was probably his favourite season to walk in the night. The wam air soothed his skin, he absorbed it and felt moist in the still air. The warmth made him feel eerily calm, the kind of warmth when you first enter a warm bath. It coated his milky dark skin nicely, and the dull sunset made his skin have a golden hue. He raised his arm and opened his hand, a small crumpled piece of paper in his hand. The words were still eligible.

Hi, Ponkie! It's me, Sam.

I was wondering if I could talk to you tonight at your special spot. I have something I want to tell you. Don't worry about mobs, I'll take care of them. I'll be there at 8pm, I hope that's not too late! Hope to see you there :)

Sincerely, SammyWammie123

Said note had been slipped to him on his doorstep when he got back to his house after meeting Alyssa, George and Dream earlier in the day. Mainly Alyssa, George and Dream were flirting the entire time to the point where Ponk could barely register they only just started dating. So, how does one react to having a note on their front doorstep asking them to meet them 'at your special spot'. For Ponk, he goes to meet Sam because if he knew his special spot, he thinks it's safe to assume that they are either stalking him, or a friend of his. He hopes the latter, but if someone is stalking him he would find that interesting. He glanced up at the moon with a soft smile, it was almost pitch black, but not quite, so you could still see the world around you. All the flowers, the bits of cotton that would tickle his nose and make him sneeze. The pollon drifted peacefully like a feather in the wind. It all seemed so surreal to him, a calm environment. Something he wasn't used to having, to witnessing. He was used to sirens, yelling, a red, gloomy hue to everything around him. He was used to having to run and jump fences as he struggled to walk on a broken leg. He was used to hiding the moment it was past four at night until eight thirty in the morning. He was not used to waking up at nine and watering plants in his front yard like there wasn't a time crunch to get a loaf of bread or go to school. He wasn't used to crawling through tall grass just in case someone was there to hurt him, rather right now he was calmly walking. He loved the feeling of grass.

He also loved Sam.

He swallowed thickly, trying not to imagine all the possible options and events that could happen. Everything that could go wrong. Maybe Sam would murder him like Alyssa thought he would, maybe he would tell him they were no longer friends. Maybe he would kiss him. He hummed contently at the thought, it had been on repeat in his mind for the last month. Different scenarios, different endings. It never failed to make his stomach flutter and his heat jump to his throat, warmth spreading from his ears to his toes. Just how it was now. He got shocked out of his daydream when he stepped on a stick, stupid fucking stick. What really woke him up though was the low warble that made him stop dead. Ponk hadn;t dealt with many endermen before, only one or two. He froze when it teleported close to him, flinching when it looked down- too close to looking him in his eyes. He shot his gaze down to the grass, standing still.

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