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The first day of school after summer break has always been a source of anxiety for me, though I'm especially dreading having to start senior year without Devon by my side

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The first day of school after summer break has always been a source of anxiety for me, though I'm especially dreading having to start senior year without Devon by my side.

Mom has to practically drag me out of bed in the morning, and even her incessant positivity isn't enough to lighten my mood. I know I'm probably acting irrationally–I mean, it's not like I've lost Devon for good. She's still the biggest part of my life; she and I talked on the phone from the moment she got settled into her dorm until we passed out. Though I know I'll be seeing her again soon, it's harder than it should be having to live without her for the time being.

If I'm being honest, I'd have to admit that my dependency on Devon probably isn't all that healthy. Couples survive long distance relationships all the time, and as long as Devon and I work on our communication and put in the work to keep the two of us together, then the distance shouldn't be all that hard to withstand. Yet I think I have grown anxiously attached to her without even realizing.

Or maybe the truth is that I know exactly why it's so hard for me to let her go. Being sent away and having Sloane torn from me damaged me more than I'd like to admit. It's irriational and stupid, yet I think a part of me will always be scared to have my loved ones taken from me like that all over again–ripped away without so much as a goodbye.

I snap out of my thoughts as the feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket startles me back to reality. I rush to check the notification in hopes that it's Devon–slightly disappointed to find that it isn't.

"Anything important?"

I turn around in my seat to face Mason–luckily, the two of us have been placed in the same first period class.

"I was just–"

"Hoping to hear from Devon," Bianca cuts in. She's seated to my left, flaunting a knowing smirk. I don't hang out with Grace and Bianca as often as I did when the three of us were friends with Delaney Woods, though we still try to keep in touch. I was ecstatic to learn she'd be in first block with me and Mason, as it's comforting to have people I love by my side.

I roll my eyes as the final bell rings, signifying the beginning of class. I stiffen in my seat, realizing that senior year has officially started. I'm trying hard to comprehend this fact when suddenly the classroom door is opened as a student rushes in.

My heart stills in my chest as I study the girl entering the room. I recognize the chestnut-colored hair and hazel eyes instantly.


"Oh, shit," Bianca curses under her breath, no doubt having come to the same conclusion as I have. "Is that . . .?"

Sloane meets my stare as she looks around the room, clearly searching for a free seat now that she is officially tardy. It seems that my luck is exceptionally bad today, as the only unoccupied chair is placed at the end of the row directly to my right.

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